Recent content by jcgtpafl

  1. J

    ma audio hk 2000d

    i might be gettin one soon, im a huge fan of ma amps but im just curious as to how this paticular one performs n how you think it would bump my 15" fi bl
  2. J

    ma audio hk2000d

    give me the rundown on it n how you think itd work at 2 ohms on a 15 fi bl
  3. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    oh true, my friend has two of the sundown 1500.1 amps, theyre good n i actually had one on my sub right after the orion went retarded n before he hooked up both the amps, but i can trade staight up if you include some 1/0 wire n a battery
  4. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    send me a link to some info about that one, ive never even heard of zenon
  5. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

  6. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    honestly im lazy n busy as ****, i got practice 6 days a week, school n work too. and a girlfriend
  7. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    but i do need some wire for sure
  8. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    if you wanna do that id rather get the brand new one but its just that when stuff comes to me fast or easy, i tend to be pretty generous with it lol n it puts me in ripoffs to myself haha
  9. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    i can send it first or show you some pictures or if i can sign somethin idk whatever you want ill do, but i can get at least one of my friends who i know is on here to talk to you if you want, i promise i aint tryin to scam ppl but i see you got a lotta refs so i feel straight with you
  10. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    think id begettin screwed? im just a huge fan of ma amps, how but some 1/0 gauge wire too?
  11. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    how old is it n what not? cuz thats straight for sure, or how bout you just pay for the shipping both ways n well do a trade straight up? n i should have it before this weekend is over so if you wanna exchange emails or something or numbers so i can keep you posted thatd be straight
  12. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    heres the thing, i dont have any cash to drop n i just dont wanna do a lot of avoidabl **** if im only gonna be using like a 4th of the power it can make ya know? id benefit more by selling or trading it n being able to get a better battery up front or maybe keep that one n get a kinetic 600 or...
  13. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    well i can make a trade for an amp with some cash, ill take an audioque aq1200d plus $150 or a ma audio hk2000d plus $75 or $100 or for the amp straight with cash ill do 800 but id rather get an amp right away cuz i just havent had bass in a couple weeks
  14. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    but keep the amp for sure?
  15. J

    memphis mojo 4k watts

    ****, i gotta 1 farad cap already lol would it be better just to sell it n buy somethin smaller with a new battery n maybe an alternater? im getting it from my friend for free since hes sponsored n changing the set up because i for sure will run it at four ohms maybe two with real low gains so i...