Recent content by Ridley

  1. Ridley

    JVC KD-AR8500 Reception Issue

  2. Ridley

    JVC KD-AR8500 Reception Issue

    I'll have a look. Before I rip this thing apart.... are you aware of any problems with this model? The guy that checked the setup said there are problems with reception depending on which model you choose.
  3. Ridley

    JVC KD-AR8500 Reception Issue

    I drive a Dodge Neon. Would that have a power antenna? I had a guy check it out when I first had the issue and he said everything was hooked up correctly.
  4. Ridley

    JVC KD-AR8500 Reception Issue

    I've had this HU for a little over 6 months now and from day one I've had poor reception on the radio. I can never find my local channels and when I do, it cuts in and out. Is this a known problem with this model? Is there a way to fix this issue without taking it back or is it a defective unit...
  5. Ridley

    just a little story

    Def don't get out much. Pretty pathetic when people have to compete with eachother in the parking lot to see who spent more money. CONGRATS my friend. You will die in the future and all of this will be for nothing. The contest should be.... Look who is more deaf at the age of 50. Have fun with...
  6. Ridley

    Second Skin Promotion - 25 free Door Packs to members

    I don't think this was picked at random.
  7. Ridley

    Second Skin Promotion - 25 free Door Packs to members

    I ordered 3 rolls of Raammat and have more than a roll left after doing my complete car. Why the hell would I need more? lol Naw, I'm not really jealous. I would be if it was a huge pack, but you guys are probably getting this deal cause it is their smallest offering and probably defective.
  8. Ridley

    Second Skin Promotion - 25 free Door Packs to members

    Don't be mad guys. It is just a stupid door pack. Barely enough to do a trunk with it. Can't believe I checked this **** thread 10 times a day for this.
  9. Ridley

    SOLD Benefit auction for "Project Hannah"

    Fine... I'll donate 5 bucks to the cause.
  10. Ridley

    SOLD Benefit auction for "Project Hannah"

    Just goes to show this fool is no better than myself. Such a hypocrit.
  11. Ridley

    SOLD Benefit auction for "Project Hannah"

    lol... thanks Hopefully your wish will come true and I'll send you pics to put it up for bid.
  12. Ridley

    SOLD Benefit auction for "Project Hannah"

    Who is Spider Monkey anyways and why do people ride his/her balls/tits?
  13. Ridley

    SOLD Benefit auction for "Project Hannah"

    Haha I don't even want to know... Just continue on with this thread and if you need to, make an I HATE RIDLEY thread somewhere else. I won't ever get scammed cause I'd never EVER deal the way you guys deal. Nothing is worth risking losing money over and I laugh at people who feel confident...
  14. Ridley

    Project hannah

    Well sorry to Hannah. I didn't know the whole situation and now that I do, regret making the post. Sorry to all who got offended. You just never know with the internet. For all I know, the whole thing could be a scam. Just being cautious... From the look of things... it looks like I'm gonna be...
  15. Ridley

    SOLD Benefit auction for "Project Hannah"

    I don't have time to read every post in every thread. I just read the original message and went by that. Chill your balls spider monkey wannabe.