Recent content by TravG

  1. T

    Power Inverter Questions

    Hey guys i'm just wondering if i plug a 300w inverter into the 12V outlet in my car will it kill my battery faster than a 140W inverter would? or does it only draw what it needs for the appliance plugged into it?
  2. T

    PD931NB Head Unit (video question)

    OK thanks for taking the time to elaborate a little more, The only thing im left wondering about is the A/V Aux, how does that work? do I have to choose a deck with RCA Input specifically to plug in a game console or is there a way to hook a console to A/V Aux
  3. T

    PD931NB Head Unit (video question)

    ok.. what exactly makes it garbage? I haven't read any bad reviews of this unit. The main reason for me to choose this unit is the size of the screen, a smaller screen ie: 5.8" is fine for most media but I want something descent in size so I don't have to strain to see whats going on while...
  4. T

    PD931NB Head Unit (video question)

    Hey all, I am looking at replacing my old head unit with a more modern flashy one. The unit that appealed to me was the PD931NB. I couldn't find anything bad about it and it appears to do what I want. (For under $300 CAN shipped) The only thing I...