10's vs. 12's

When you say 12's I assume you are talking about the S12L7's The 12's would get much louder. They might not have the SQ of a 10 but I could be wrong. One of my freinds has a pair of 12L7's and they are sick loud. 12 would pound better assuming they are in a good set up.

Hope this sheads some light on your situation


yeah i was originally gonna order the 12's but there on like a 3 month back order so i think im just gonna go with the tens. But either way im gonna run em off a kicker 1200.1

What are you looking for in your setup?? SQ, SPL??? The L7s will get the SPL part fine in a ported box and I heard they are ok in a sealed. Rule of thumb is round speakers are more SQ orented than square ones but it all depends on the setup. That amp should power them good. You are getting (2) 10s right?? If not that is a waste of money but if you are getting 2 that will be a good match.

Good luck...


12's are louder than 10's simply because they have more cone area, Back in the day larger speakers had weaker motor structures and less developed cones so the larger subs sounded like they were dragging compared to the smaller drivers in the same class with the same motor. Now, there is a mosconception that 15's and 18's cant keep up with some beats, which is incorrect. Ive heard a inhuman 18 with mirrored spiders and it was one of the best sounding subs ive ever heard.

Why not a single 15?, it takes amount the same amount of volume and would be crazy loud off that 1200.1.

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