2 12" Kicker L7s - Ported or Seald Box?

i have my solo's sealed and they sound real nice.

but if i had more space to run them both ported i'd do it. but a ported box for them is big as or bigger then the sealed box.

if you have the room build a sweet ported box for them.

edit a ported box for 1 is as big as a sealed box for 2.

What do you want??? SPL or SQ???? The L7's are not know for there best SQ but I have NO real experience so don't look into this too much. I have been told they sound decent in a sealed and get pretty loud in ported enclosures. One of my budies has the same set up in a ported box and couldn't be happyer. He has the loudest system around but only untill I get mine..lol. Like I said I have no experience with these subs (other than what my friend has told me) so I could be wrong but this was what I have heard about them.

Hope this helps


I'm pretty sure that the common agreement on the L7's is that they are supposed to be ported.

I was really looking into buying one about a month or so back, so I read up on them quite a bit. A guy I talk to has a pair of Kicker L7's ported. He says the SQ is great.

I've heard that the L7 not only is louder in ported boxes, but sounds better.

Note: I'm just telling you about the research I have done, not actual experiments.

I guess they could sound better, relatively speaking, they still sound like crap. Put them in a very large box whether you go sealed or ported.

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