altenatives to dynamat?

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Senior VIP Member
ya im not really lookin to spend so much money on stopping my trunk from annoying rattleing. i talked to this guy from the message board (dont recall his name) and he recommended this stuff called "peel n seal" sold at lowes, which he said, was the same compound as dynamat. the prices sounded really good, so i went to my local lowes, but they didn't carry it. ive also heard of brown stuff, and other cheaper brands, but i really wanted to find one i can just buy locally instead of paying shipping and handling and doing all the waiting, im not a patient guy. thanks a lot for the feedback.

worth the wait?

howlong exactly have you guys been waiting?


If you get anything from this thread please know this

whom ever told you that Dynamat and peel and seel are made up of the same compound is a moron.

aside from them bing sticky, and having foil they are nothing alike.

I encourage you to do a search on the following:

peel seal




The second skin website btw is

not thats soft porn


Peel n Seal is not made to go in cars, it stinks and may be harmful to beath (but not fully sure if it's harmful to breath). The only thing you can do if pay the price tag for the Dynamat if you have to have it now. If you can wait as ANT said Second Skin is a good dampener, and it's some of the cheapest. The only other dampener I would suggest is Brown Bread.

thanks for all the help. curious in that question that noone's answered tho, how do you get the discount at and thanks for telling me about peel n seal, saved me some money and waste of time. nother quick question, is dynamat really worth buying over second skin? or im i buying the brand name? thanks for all feedback

thanks for all the help. curious in that question that noone's answered tho, how do you get the discount at and thanks for telling me about peel n seal, saved me some money and waste of time. nother quick question, is dynamat really worth buying over second skin? or im i buying the brand name? thanks for all feedback
PM ifandorbuts on this forum about the discount.

As for dynamat, you're paying for the name.

so how do you get the discount or something, i drive a 1995 honda acoord recomend me some dynamat or dynamat alternatives, so i can put in my accord thanks put the website so i can look it up and buy it i really have no idea

Maybe i just missed it, or something, but people keep asking how do you get the discount?? The site was listed several times and if yuo'd just go there, you'd find it.. the first time i went there that was the first thing i noticed. You get a 40% discount on all products if you don't have one of their dealers locally..

****, i must be a ****in retard... i keep goin and going back to the site, and i just do not see the ******* discount.... maybe im just blind or something... **** it ill jus PM ifandorbuts, whatever PM means...

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