April/May Special

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Senior VIP Member
I was recently able to get a very decent deal on sheets of 3/4 inch MDF and wanted to pass that savings on to you. For the next few months I will be offering bare MDF enclosures for the following:

Up to 1/2 sheet MDF - 50 plus shipping

Between 1/2 sheet and full sheet MDF - 75 plus shipping

Between a full sheet and 1 1/2 sheets MDF - 100 plus shipping

Between 1 1/2 sheets and 2 sheets MDF - 125 plus shipping

Anything larger will need to be discussed.

Please PM/text/email me with any questions.

Thank you.

I realize that saying "1/2 of a sheet" is somewhat vague....so here are some examples

Elemental designs recommended dual 11kv2 enclosure:

2 cubic feet net

tuned to 30Hz:




So that uses a little more then 1/2 sheet so we would be looking at 75 plus shipping.

JL Audio 13W7 recommended vented enclosure from their manual

2.375 cubic feet net tuned to 30 Hz


Just a hair over 1/2 of a sheet so we would be looking at 75

I will throw some more examples up later tonight when I get some more free time.

I was gonna say, listing it in cubes might be easier... Or sizes... it would seem most 10" can stay at a half sheet, maybe some 12s... then a pair of anything or anything bigger than a 12 will be at least over a half sheet.

Great prices man, I'll be sure to recommend this to anyone looking for an enclosure.

I was gonna say, listing it in cubes might be easier... Or sizes... it would seem most 10" can stay at a half sheet, maybe some 12s... then a pair of anything or anything bigger than a 12 will be at least over a half sheet.Great prices man, I'll be sure to recommend this to anyone looking for an enclosure.
Yeah, that is basically how it works out.

Most 10s vented will fit under 1/2 a sheet while 12s are boarderline. A 2 cubic foot 12 inch enclosure with a 4 inche aero port can be done with 1/2 a sheet, but with slot porting you are over 1/2 sheet.

I believe so. What driver(s) are you using? Do you have a design already drawn up or need something?
I haven't even started a design yet. I've got an SA-15 in mind..but I'm not 100% set on it.

I fit the box for my 18 (which is 6.5 cubes) in just over 1 sheet (only because I did a double baffle)
I suppose now is as good of time as ever to ask what a 'baffle' really is? //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/rolleyes.gif.c1fef805e9d1464d377451cd5bc18bfb.gif

I suppose now is as good of time as ever to ask what a 'baffle' really is? //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/rolleyes.gif.c1fef805e9d1464d377451cd5bc18bfb.gif
Baffle = the side of the box that your sub is mounted to

So a double baffle would be 2 sheets on the front side?
Wouldn't that use more MDF?
Yeah double baffle is 2 pieces. I meant to say I could have fit it onto 1 sheet but I used a double baffle so that's why it was a little over 1 sheet

Yeah double baffle is 2 pieces. I meant to say I could have fit it onto 1 sheet but I used a double baffle so that's why it was a little over 1 sheet
Ah, okay. Wow, you did pretty well for yourself then. Maybe if Jeremy ends up making me a box, he could keep it under 1 sheet.

Ah, okay. Wow, you did pretty well for yourself then. Maybe if Jeremy ends up making me a box, he could keep it under 1 sheet.
For a single 15? Yeah you can fit that onto a single sheet all day. Built a 15" box for a local recently and used maybe 3/4 or 2/3 of the sheet.

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