BX1500D...no gain?

10+ year member

Senior VIP Member
SLC Utah
I just got my Hifonics BX1500D and noticed there is not gain on it(or atleast nothing called gain) It has a "level" adjustment which i assume does the same thing but it is labled "9V"(fully couter-clockwise) and ".2V"(fully clockwise) I'm not sure if i adjust it like you would the gain on a regular amp, or if it is for something completely different (the manual makes it sound like it is used to match the voltage of the source i.e. my cd player has 5v pre-outs, so would i set the "level" knob to 5v?)

^Ya i knew that i just didn't know the how it did it (the voltage threw me) I have it set about half way because i have it hoooked up to 2 compvrs


Your line level adjustment is not a GAIN control. It is NOT used to increase and decrease output. There are specific methods for setting this control. If you simply crank it all the way up or down, you are destined to blow your speakers by sending them garbage to reproduce.

RTFM and set it correctly. You will thank me in the long run. I cannot count the number of blown speakers I have removed because of the falicy that this controls output.

"But, it is a 40 watt amp and the speakers are rated for 115w. How could these things blow. THey aare garbage."

99/100 times the line level adjustment is maxed.

"Why did you set this to max?"

"Because I wanted it louder."

Rules to live by:

A set of speakers rated for 100W will last LONGER if you run 150W of CLEAN power than they will at 20W of distortion.

IF it is not loud enough, add more CLEAN power. Don't compensate using input sensitivity control.

Basically to set this use this method and it will get you real close:

Running only one set of speakers, set EQ, Bass/Trebble and all controls FLAT. Start with it on its LOWEST setting. Turn your HU volume control to 3/4 volume. (that is about the most any decent HU will go before distortion.) Turn the INPUT SENSITIVITY up slowly until you bearly notice distortion. Then, back it off slightly.

THEN LEAVE IT ALONE. Repeat this for all speaker sets. (F/R/Sub)

Nutt - you're close, but the "distortion kills speakers" theory doesn't hold water. If that was the case you'd have blown speakers every time your radio station got weak.

The issue is clipping, and unless you have a very over-rated speaker a 20 w signal would NEVER blow a 100w speaker. A 50 or 60w 100% clipped signal, however, could.

And to the best of my knowledge - "line level adjustment" is synonymous with "gain control".

Your line level adjustment is not a GAIN control.
? Huh? Ok then, what is my gain control on my amp? I have the following settings for my amp "Subsonic" (obviously a subsonic filter) "Bass Eq" (i assume a bass boost knob, goes from 0db to 18db) "Low Pass" (crossover from 35Hz to 250hz) "Phase" (0 to 180, so you can reverse the phase of the subs) and "Level" (labled 9v to .2 v)

I was under the impression that a gain is a line level adjustment, so what is it then?

RTFM and set it correctly
The manual says, "Turn the level control up slowly, till you hear distortion, then back off a few degrees on the control"

how is that different from how you said to set the "gain"

Ohh p.s i use the volume to make my subs louder, not the level or bass eq.

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