can my type r's take more power?

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Guys i need ur opinions. My friend recently borrowed my jbl 600.1 amp for his 15 inch alpine type r sub. He gave me 180 for it(what i payed for it off of ebay) and i told him i would just let him have that one and ill get a new one for the same price off ebay. Well a week ago my new jbl 600.1 came in but i could tell it had been used. It had some scratches and i could tell it had been mounted so i sent it back and they were gonna send me a new one. Problem is the new amp was suppose to come in yesterday and it didnt and when i called the manager told me some **** about it got lost or some crap like that and if he didnt find it in a week, he would refund my money. Now i had my jbl 600.1 hooked up to my 2 type r 12 inch subs in a one cubic foot sealed box and they sounded great but i really never cranked it up all the way cuz its my first set up and didnt wanna blow it. This amp powered my subs very well and got very loud but the question is should i take my 180 and try to find a more powerful amp? I have heard of people giving their type r's up to 600 watts rms and the subs taking them just fine but i would like to keep it at 300-500 to each sub. Does ne one know where i could get a new amp that has 1000watts that i could buy for just 200 bucks or so? I have searched and cant find any. So if u think i just just keep my jbl600.1 then tell me and if u think i can get a more powerful amp for about 200 then help me out with that too. Sry for the LONG post. Thanx alot

Yes the Type R's can take more power. They will take 600WRMS easily, I've even heard of people putting 1000WRMS the them with no problems. They need at least 300WRMS, I would suggest giving them 500-600 though, they like power. As for finding an amp that puts out that power... I'm taking it as you want 1000-1200WRMS @ 2 ohms right? For $200 I don't know if you can find an amp that will give you that much power, if you had $300 you could get a JBL 1200.1, which would work great. If you don't have more then $200 I would save up so you can get 500+ watts to each one, it'll be worth the wait.

JBL 1200.1 $290

I would say that 500 watts would be a good number for them. Depending on the VC config check out the Hifonics BX1000D. Look into buying a used amp as well, you can save a lot of money that way.

First off man, your the idiot, maybe you and your friend should learn how to install. I myself am rinning the Type R's, and they WILL take 600WRMS all day long easily, IF they are installed right. Plus the shop I buy my stuff from installs a lot of Type R's and they do give them 600-1000WRMS and they have had no problems with them, in the last 3 years they have only had 2 blow. Take a search on this forum and you'll see a lot of people saying give the Type R's at least 500-600WRMS.

Hey jmac, how do you measure voltage with a multimeter? I just got one, but don't really know how to use it. Could you point me to a guide or something?

how long do u think the type-rs would last ina sealed 1cuft with 600rms in mono 10? cuz right now im only pushing 300rm but looking to get another of the same amp giving 600 in bridged mode to each

First off man, your the idiot, maybe you and your friend should learn how to install. I myself am rinning the Type R's, and they WILL take 600WRMS all day long easily, IF they are installed right. Plus the shop I buy my stuff from installs a lot of Type R's and they do give them 600-1000WRMS and they have had no problems with them, in the last 3 years they have only had 2 blow. Take a search on this forum and you'll see a lot of people saying give the Type R's at least 500-600WRMS.

haha. sure buddy. you said 1000 watts rms. maybe if you listen to britney spears you wont blow em with the wattage you claim.

edit: we didnt install the stuff. circuit city did. and they do a fine job.

edit: we didnt install the stuff. circuit city did. and they do a fine job.
That's your problem right there bud. Circuit Chitty is one of the worst places to buy audio equipment or have it installed. I delt with them many times on my first system and EVERYTHING they ever installed blew, from my speakers, to my sub, even my amp. So maybe you shouldn't talk without knowning first.

That's your problem right there bud. Circuit Chitty is one of the worst places to buy audio equipment or have it installed. I delt with them many times on my first system and EVERYTHING they ever installed blew, from my speakers, to my sub, even my amp. So maybe you shouldn't talk without knowning first.
CC is one of the best places I have done work with. I had my first amp and subs installed be them and had no trouble for almost 2 yrs. When my sub finally blew they checked it out saw it was blown and installed it with no ferther ?s. They even fixed the horrible wiring job Best Buy did on my head unit.

CC is one of the best places I have done work with. I had my first amp and subs installed be them and had no trouble for almost 2 yrs. When my sub finally blew they checked it out saw it was blown and installed it with no ferther ?s. They even fixed the horrible wiring job Best Buy did on my head unit.
That's a first, either way I wouldn't say CC is a good place to get anything installed. I and lots of people that I have met that went there have always had to go to somewhere else to get their stuff reinstalled cuz they messed it up. Anyways I wouldn't trust those guys to plug in my car charger for my phone.

That's a first, either way I wouldn't say CC is a good place to get anything installed. I and lots of people that I have met that went there have always had to go to somewhere else to get their stuff reinstalled cuz they messed it up. Anyways I wouldn't trust those guys to plug in my car charger for my phone.
i had my system in my old car for 3 years worked pefectly. never ever a blown fuse or anything small. i got my old system in my new car hooked up.. fine for almost 2 years.

Well i am getting them installed at CC where i have had everything i have had so far installed and so far they do a great job. But hey bonestock system how does it sound right now? Is 300rms enough to reall pound? Cuz i also have 1 feet sealed n need to know if i need more power for them to hit harder or what?

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