Christmas $$$ and Best Buy

10+ year member

Every year I get gift cards to Best Buy...this year I'm gonna get a CD player for my truck...

I have had my heart set on an Alpine 9813 unit...but Best Buy doesn't carry any Alpine, so I need to get the "next best" thing...

Basically I have 3 requirements...

MP3 playback

Knobs rather than "push and hold" buttons

Aux input for my MP3 players and for my harmonica playing...//

(if you really want to know, ask)

Best Buy shows 2 units I am interested in...

Pioneer DEH-P7500MP

Kenwood KDC-MPV622

The Pioneer is about $70 more than the Kenwood, but these were the only 2 units that looked like they would satisfy my requirements...

I am probably going to get Boston Acoustic 6.5 components...

Probably BA 6x9 in the rear...

I don;t know if I'll do any subs or not...but I would like the controls in the hu for a sub amp should I decide to do it...

I listed to blues, bluegrass, classic rock...and I'm not interested in the "thumpa thumpa boom boom" of the current heavy bass whatever I do with a sub will be inclined toward a full range system...

So, what experiences have you had with the 2 hu's I have listed...

Are they comparable to the Alpine 9813???...

Any major problems with them???

Is one significantly better than the other???

Thanx your comments


ok, buy something that will use ALL of your best buy gift card...wahtever u want that is expensive enough. Then after depleted...throw it away. Then like a week later or so...return the item, and get cash back for it. Then buy the alpine 9813 online for like $280. peace


ok, buy something that will use ALL of your best buy gift card...wahtever u want that is expensive enough. Then after depleted...throw it away. Then like a week later or so...return the item, and get cash back for it. Then buy the alpine 9813 online for like $280. peace
// thats great!

nice idea but best buys policy is anything you buy over 50 bucks you are mailed the remainder in the mail.

Umm, actually, if you pay with a gift card, and return the item, the amount returned is put on another gift card, //, I work for Future Shop, which is Canada's best buy, we are the same company, and same policies... Good idea though, if you are really set on that idea, i suggest this, wait until it is really busy, and then when u return it, and they refuse to give u cash, freak out and yell, 9 out of 10 times my managers bend when this happens, simply because it is bad for business, and people have been known to leave thinking that the person is being ripped off. I suggest this, if they refuse to give u cash, just a suggestion...

~ Kyle ~

Hay thanx for the comments...

These gift cards are from friends and family...sorry, no hot deals //

I've got $250 in gift cards, so I don't mind kicking in another $100 and getting something good...

I tried the swap out routine last year on a Sony MD player, didn't work...had to take another gift card...

Issue is, once Best Buy has your $$$, they aren't gonna give them back...!!!...//

So, it looks like if I go with a hu from BB, I give up on my Alpine dream, and put the bucks into speakers...

And other than a HDTV for about $2000 or so, there really isn't anything else I want this year...and I don't want to drop the $250 I got on little "junk items" just to use up the cards...and I really don't think I'm gonna do anything on th e HDTV for at least another year or two...

I figgure there isn't as much difference in the hu's once you get over about $350 or so as there is in speakers...

I think the Panasonic...

What do you think???


buy the one you want...then put that **** on ebay and maybe youll get more money back then you had in the first place. then go out and buy that nice apline youve been wanting

You know George...

that's the best idea yet...

I think that's what I gonna do...if I can break about even, then that's a good deal...

I install the Alpine myself, I can order it for less that I will pay for the Panasonic at Best Buy...


Circuit City>Best Buy, let your relatives know that next time around. Actually tell them to give you cash instead //

I tried the cash routine a few years ago...

They insist on the gift cards...I guess it's a little more "christmasie"...

Some don't want to do the gift cards either...but I got most of them trained...


Anything you buy you will most likely (98 % of the time) not be able to sell it for what you bought it on ebay. Thats how it works buddy... ebay is mostly cheap and if it was the same price that it was at best buy then it wouldn't be as popular as it is. main message: you won't get what you paid for on ebay.... most likely

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