D2 12" vs D2 15"

It depends on what your musical tastes are. As far as I know, there are only a handfull of people who have heard both...including myself. The 15 goes lower and both drivers sound great.

i havent heard both subs

the 12" is $300 shipped

the 15" is $350 shipped

im personally spending the extra 50 bucks for 3 more inches //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

When you say "goes lower", elaborate on this. Lets take a certain song for example, will both subs hit the notes exactly the same (same amp and enclosure according to recommended)specifications)? Is the difference only in their potential? Meaning when the bass goes REALLY low, the 15 D2 ofcourse will have the extra capabilities of hittin' those extra low notes. If the difference can be distinguished in every song, then the difference is not just in potential. What I want to figure out is, is the 15" sorta like the carbon copy of 12" with the capabilities of going lower and louder? How will it perform on the songs that do not drop so low?

Nick, I am the fella who orignally ordered the 12" then switched to 15," and yet, I still have not decided. I have the whole North Miami waiting to hear the D2, so they can also order a D2. Most of them are all looking for SQL subs like myself. I apologize for giving you a hard time. At the same time, I appreciate your patience with me. The customer service you provide is truely amazing. =)

Well common sense would make it seem that if you're driving a 15" driver the same as a 12" driver you will be pushing more air, thus making it louder or atleast feel louder.

To simplify it all, I just want a real TIGHT TIGHT bass. Punchy (responsive)! As far as I am concern, you will not sell the 15" if they were not tight, as you quoted on the SI forums.

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