Fitting a 15" Brahma in a 1995 SC400?

10+ year member

Please not that i am a newbie when it comes to car audio.

i am very interested on buying an Adire Brahma 12" or a 15" sub. I really want a 15" but i am worried that it will not fit in the trunk of my 1995 Lexus SC400. the trunk is pretty small and i can use up most of it if i have to.

I measured the trunk and here are the measurements:

Length = 50 inches

Width = 24 inches

Height = 17.5 - 18 inches

what worries me the most is the height. i might have trouble finding a 15" box clearing that.

is the 15" brahma noticably louder than the 12" brahma? i want the sub mainly for SQL.

Is there an online website that builds custom sub enclosures? what do you recommend?

First off, if you are not concerned about every detailed musical nuance known to man, switch your focus to RE XXXs. They will get louder than a Brahma, and still have good SQ (although the Brahma is more at home in sealed enclosures, if that is what you are building). --- Loneranger builds custom boxes. To fit a 15" sub in an opening that will only fit a 15" box, you may need to tilt the face of the box the sub will be sitting on off of 90° while still clearing the motor. You can figure out your angles using trig, but you won't need a huge slant if you don't want it.

Also, do be afraid to try stuff yourself and enlist the help of a knowledgeable friend. You don't have to find a friend that knows tons about car audio... even someone with decent woodworking skills, or someone like a cabinet maker can be extremely helpful when you get in a pinch.

Good Luck


First off, if you are not concerned about every detailed musical nuance known to man, switch your focus to RE XXXs. They will get louder than a Brahma, and still have good SQ
Some people may disagree with you on that one! ME INCLUDING! The Brahmas are right up there w/ the D2's and XXX! Maybe the W7?

Please not that i am a newbie when it comes to car audio.
i am very interested on buying an Adire Brahma 12" or a 15" sub. I really want a 15" but i am worried that it will not fit in the trunk of my 1995 Lexus SC400. the trunk is pretty small and i can use up most of it if i have to.

I measured the trunk and here are the measurements:

Length = 50 inches

Width = 24 inches

Height = 17.5 - 18 inches

what worries me the most is the height. i might have trouble finding a 15" box clearing that.
If you get an Upward Firing Box you could fit it in your ride E-A-S-I-L-Y. I've been in cars with upward firing boxes and they sounded just fine. I borrowed my friend's upward firing box to see how it would sound in my car, and it sounded darn near identical to the way my rear firing sealed box did after I took the up firing box out.

That is a hassle free option.

Think about it.

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