For the love of Car Audio!

10+ year member

I've noticed that on this site there are only a few members who actually compete in Car Audio. Some of you seem to have the knowledge and resources so I want to know why you chose to compete or not to compete.

I compete for the chance to become one of Car Audio's most well respected Competitors. Yes this was my first year and I have a very very long way to go. However I've been street bumping for so long that its boring. Competitions offers the chance to cut your system loose and be recongnized for your accomplishments. Not only that but you get to meet other people who share your interest. Competitions are fun!

2004 Will be my Red-Shirt year in Car Audio Competitions! Be on the look-out! MECA Finals 2004!

I was just at meca state finals but didnt make it to enough shows to be invited to finals. got some stuff im going to do for the 2004 season though.

Priorities (hobbies are at the bottom)


and how far i have to travel to get to Competitions. //

I usually compete for the heck of it. Just to see what i can do, usually because i've changed something. So that if someone asks i know what it hits, and so i know and can appreciate what it takes to hit certain #'s.

Some year i would love to jump into it with both feet. I would like to do sq or both.

I just like trophies:D

In all honesty, I cant even describe what compels me to compete. Its just something in me. Even when I have to travel 250 miles for a 1x event, I still just feel like thats where I need to be.

i'm going to be into comps next season with both feet as much as possible in hopes to make it to finals for USACI b/c that's the only big sanction near me.


I love to compete...its just the thrill and the ability to represent smaller companies that make me do it...I could care less about trophies, awards, etc.

I TRY or at least will try, to compete, because I love it, it intrigues me so much as to how a sub works and everything about it, I love getting together with friends and working out how we are going to plan a box,or where this will be and that will be.

I compete because some day,a few years from now, it might benefit me when I would like to work for a company as an R&D.

I compete because money doesnt mean you get get loud.(reffering to name brand as opposed to small companies)

Why?because I want a state record to call my own.(I know world is out of the question)

Its something tangible that I can see self improvement in, something that I can spend hours doing and not get bored with.

I it

Ahhh...but is a world record out of the question...//

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