Kicker zx750.1 not working.. help?

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I recently purchased a used (my mistake..) Kicker zx750.1 mono amplifier to power my two Alpine 10s.. I wired everything myself and all was fine and well until about 2 weeks ago. It started slowly, but my subs started going in and out (going from full power to about 30% power.. they never really completely went out) every once in a while, so I rechecked all the wiring and tested the subs and they were fine. Sometimes it would magically start working 100% for a few days in a row, but then the other day they went out and stayed out. When I first wired my system, I set my amp at 80 hz, gain about a fourth the way up, and bass boost all the way down. I never really pushed them too hard for fear of blowing them. Now, the only way to get my subs to hit the way they used to at those settings is to turn the gain and the bass boost up.. but even when I do that, they only hit every few beats. I've checked and rechecked my remote wire, RCAs, hot and grounds, and my speaker wires. I've wired someone elses amp into my car and everything works fine. It's got to be the amp. So, I cracked open my amp today and I can't find ANYTHING wrong with it. Please help me???

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How old is the amp? What year? When u tested the other amp in your car did you drive around with it Too?

I had this issue before with a amp. ended up being a RCA cable going bad and whenever it moved certain ways....bass would fade away.

Also, Did you check the impedance on your subs to make sure one isn't blown?

one thing is for sure, don't keep playing like that, aside from this- take voltage reedings at the power terminals and alternate with the remote and positive. compare with the battery voltage. if it starts playing higher, then re-check. move the high/low switch, while giving it low volume signal. the switch could be worn. what ohm are your subs? how are they wiried? that amp is only 2ohm stable.

I'm not sure how old the amp is but its not very old.. they still sell the model I have. We completely switched amps - I wired his into my car and he wired mine into his car. We didn't drive around, but my subs worked perfectly with his amp and his subs did exactly what mine had been doing with my amp. To me, that eliminates any problems with my wiring (all of it, RCAs included because his amp worked perfectly when wired into my RCAs with my car..) Also, I did check the impedance and neither of my subs are blown. They are fine.

This is what I'm running...

(2) Apline SWE-1043 4Ohm subs RMS 250

Class D Monoblock Kicker zx750.1 amplifier (750 watts x 1 at 2 ohms)

I have them wired like this..

I'm not sure how old the amp is but its not very old.. they still sell the model I have. We completely switched amps - I wired his into my car and he wired mine into his car. We didn't drive around, but my subs worked perfectly with his amp and his subs did exactly what mine had been doing with my amp. To me, that eliminates any problems with my wiring (all of it, RCAs included because his amp worked perfectly when wired into my RCAs with my car..) Also, I did check the impedance and neither of my subs are blown. They are fine.
This is what I'm running...

(2) Apline SWE-1043 4Ohm subs RMS 250

Class D Monoblock Kicker zx750.1 amplifier (750 watts x 1 at 2 ohms)

I have them wired like this..

hmmm, well based on what you said about the amp switch it may be a bad amp. how long ago did u get the amp from whoever? tell them about the issue. he could've abused that amp and then sold it to you. They are not bad amps by any means though. I've had 2, both that I bought used and they both still pound to this day with zero issues! I'm gonna have to blame the previous owner on this one since you bought used.

hmmm, well based on what you said about the amp switch it may be a bad amp. how long ago did u get the amp from whoever? tell them about the issue. he could've abused that amp and then sold it to you. They are not bad amps by any means though. I've had 2, both that I bought used and they both still pound to this day with zero issues! I'm gonna have to blame the previous owner on this one since you bought used.
Yeah, that's the conclusion I've come to. I just wanted to start a thread and explain the situation to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I can't for the LIFE of me find anything wrong with the amp though. I'm gonna have to take it somewhere and have someone look at it I guess..

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