Leather or artifactial leather applying tehnique

You plan on using actual real leather or vinyl ? //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

And keep it as warm as possible while working with it. It makes life sooo much easier. //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

It's just an advice or you've done something like that before. Anyway, if you can describe the process more throughly, please do so.

A couple of words about what i actially need:

I need more space for my speakers in my doors. So i decided to make kind of enclosure attached to the bottom front part of the door. It should look line the part of the door. The problem is that doors interior covers are made of fiberglass covered with vinyl-like material(like in most cars).I can't paint my enclosure or cover it with a carpet if i want it to look original...

Carpeting and even smoothing and painting seems to me less complicated than laying leather or something.

As long as there is no thread about that it would be good to start one. So any info or experience will be helpful.

thanks again.

basically, its pretty simple

remove the panel completely. sand any type of glossy finish off it to aid adhesion. i'd suggest either super 70 or some other type of strong spray adhesive. spray the surface you just sanded and the back of the vinyl then start at one side, pulling it as tight as possible without wrinkling it. you're at the point of no return now, because if it starts wrinkling, you'll have to rip it all off. move slowly across the surface rubbing it gently to make sure it bonds to the surface then let it dry for an hour or so.

Ok, i've got your ideas. If you say that's simple then i hope it'll be simple for me too. Anyway, i'll try it on some unplain surface, for practice. Just don't want to mess up my interior.

Have you ever dealed with leather? It's still a good option, i've heard something of appliyng it wet, but something tells me, i shouldn't even trying it for now.

By the way... I just visited your site, and i noticed some tool like airpowered cutter.

I just wonder what advatages it has over electrical instruments: power, silence but definetly not the price //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

and sorry for my english... i'm Russian

Hae you ever dealed with leather? It's still a good option, i've heard something of appliyng it wet, but something tells me, i shouldn't even trying it for now.By the way... I just visited your site, and i noticed some tool like airpowered cutter.

I just wonder what advatages it has over electrical instruments: power, silence but definetly not the price //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

and sorry for my english... i'm Russian
never dealt with real leather. only the fake stuff.

that's just your average every day pnumatic grinder.

they're way louder than electric tools (high pitched whirring sound like a nascar lug wrench) but they never over heat, they have more torque than electrical tools and if you shop at the right places they're not that much more expensive than an electric tool. I have 2 orbital sanders (very handy for fiberglass and autobody work), the grinder in the picture, and a badass ingersoll-rand impact wrench. i'm trying to convert all my hand tools to pnumatic, but there are some things you just can't get for a reasonable price.

OT: LR, do you have one of the 1/2" RT Yellow Booted ones? I got one from sears' ebay auctions for like $100 //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

OT: LR, do you have one of the 1/2" RT Yellow Booted ones? I got one from sears' ebay auctions for like $100 //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif
if you're talking about the ingersoll it's got a black boot on it. It's model number 2131QT (supposed to be a "Quiet Tool"...yeah right!).

Haha, thats probably similar to mine, cept I didn't care about quiet, because I expect a garage to be loud! //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/wink.gif.608e3ea05f1a9f98611af0861652f8fb.gif

Here is a picture of mine. The marketing on it is stupid, but it has worked really, really, really well.


Mine is like 650 ft/lbs of reverse torque... not bad for $120 and a 1/2" wrench

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You're not going to know until you test with a meter. Typically even carpeting a box as opposed to painting is going to lose a few tenths.

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