Low-Pass Crossover Points

10+ year member

Hebrew Israelite
I've read specs on various home audio 3-way speakers, and I was amazed at where their crossover points were.

I wasn't so amazed at the midrange and tweeter Xover, but the subs, Cerwin Vega for instance, were at 500hz. Why are they so high? They sound good though.

Here is my point/question. I have an overpowering Low-End in my car, so when midbass notes are played ( above my crossover setting) it almost sounds like my amp cuts off. The volume drops off THAT drasticly. Perfect example: Ludacris- Stick'em Up. The drum hits in that song punch my lower back, but during the bassline it just doesn't sound like much.

So...If I were to set my LP crossover to about 100hz would that some how take away from the Low-End any?

I just don't have a 4 channel amp to power my Infinity 63.5i's and 693.5i's right now to "up" the midbass.

Please help, Thanx.

Well, it all depends on how you enjoy your sound.

If you don't have dedicated midbass, AND your "speakers" can't hit the lows, I would try to cross over your sub HIGHER, to hit those midbass tones, and then set your speakers to get the rest.

If you crossover your sub lower, you will be missing out on the midbass spectrum, which I usually think of as around 50-200hz (give or take).

I notice a lot of ludacris songs to use what I like to call, 6x9 bass. They have a lot of bass notes hitting pretty high.. and not a lot of bass notes that are truley "subwoofer worthy".

It also sounds to me like you need to turn the volume/gain/level on your sub down, so that you don't have your bass overpowering your speakers.

Or, set your speakers to play louder so you can turn the subwoofer up and still hear the words.

PM me if you want any more help, or if you have any more questions.


Thanx a lot.

I think I will set my crossover higher. Probably not to 100hz, but more like 80hz. My sub shouldn't have to try to play above that. It WAS around 65hz.

Again, thanx for your help man.

Thanx a lot.
I think I will set my crossover higher. Probably not to 100hz, but more like 80hz. My sub shouldn't have to try to play above that. It WAS around 65hz.

Again, thanx for your help man.
Without dedicated midbass, I have founf that a cut off of 100 is just fine. If it were me I would go high on the cutoff, especially if its a sealed enclosure.

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