My first ever competition...

5,000+ posts

1/3ofTEAM PwNAGE..*****es
This past sunday i went to my very first competition and had fun but was very disappointed with my score. I was one of the first people there and the first people to put some numbers up. I ran the 151-300 stock class with 2 inhuman 12's and a kicker 1200.1. I was completely ignorant on how to get my set up the loudest it could be without a mic and the cd itself. My first run a judge got in with me and helped me out the best he could. I burped a 145.6 and did a 146.6 with 'THE DROP?"

I was in first for the whole day until the last 10 min. when 3 othe cars entered my class the third car beet my score by a .5 of a db with a 147.1 and the same amp i have and some power hx2's, very disgruntling. This guy was able to put his seat down where i cannot. I have my box set up in the traditional manor, speakers and port facing the rear most of the car. would i benefit from putting the port on the rear of the box firing through the hole for the armrest and keeping the speakers at the back most of the car? Thanks, any help would be appreciated.

the car is a 4dr. acura legend

This past sunday i went to my very first competition and had fun but was very disappointed with my score. I was one of the first people there and the first people to put some numbers up. I ran the 151-300 stock class with 2 inhuman 12's and a kicker 1200.1. I was completely ignorant on how to get my set up the loudest it could be without a mic and the cd itself. My first run a judge got in with me and helped me out the best he could. I burped a 145.6 and did a 146.6 with 'THE DROP?"I was in first for the whole day until the last 10 min. when 3 othe cars entered my class the third car beet my score by a .5 of a db with a 147.1 and the same amp i have and some power hx2's, very disgruntling. This guy was able to put his seat down where i cannot. I have my box set up in the traditional manor, speakers and port facing the rear most of the car. would i benefit from putting the port on the rear of the box firing through the hole for the armrest and keeping the speakers at the back most of the car? Thanks, any help would be appreciated.

the car is a 4dr. acura legend
What Mic? Termlab, A/C, off the wall?

it was the old audio control, im not a liar

Understood, i live in the 4th largest city in the us and no mic. believe me ive been trying. im going to buy a termlab from a guy i met on sunday so i can judge for myself, but until i get it i need to improve. is there a significant difference in sound (better, worse, depending on application) between aero ports and slot ports.

thanks jmac your the shiot.

Cool, how do i go about finding my cars individual frequency. Was my score poor or am i expecting to much from these speakers. Im running at 32hz right now so should i go with a larger port or is it not worth sacrificing the sq over spl. The guy i bought the speakers from was hitting 152's with a 200hc (mustang though)

it was a 146.6, im already running 5.4 cubes w/o port and displacement. im running inhuman aluminum coils w/ double stiff spyders. Do you think that anything larger would jeopardize the speakers. the next comp im going to run in the 451-600 stock class with a modded mmats 300hc. in contrast to the kicker 1200.1 do think ill score a little or alot higher with the same box. my goal is 150-152's, is that do able or am i dreaming?

Sounds good to me. Jmac thank you very much for your help, your just about the only person who has offered me advice as of yet on any of my posted questions.



Once you get the mic, spend literally,hours, moving your box, changing tunings on your amp. We spent 3 hours one night moving the box inch by inch, we started off at 145.8 and ended at 146.7 w/ a solid 146.6 backing. By just moving the box around diff directions, you can figure out what placement is best.

For example, today I was metering my car and I had the box facing back and it hit 138(I was just finding my peak) and I turned the box around and it hit 132,133ish.I could literally see the difference(on the meter) when I would move the box.

Just to comment on the aero/precision ports. I used two 4" precisions in a 4.5 cube box for my 15" Brahma and did a 146 on lin-x. As far as round ports go I think that they are the way to go. My new box, however, is 4cu' and has a slot port of 65sq' and peaks at 46Hz. This box did a 145 on the new termlab USB.

Bottom line: play with the box....(no pun intended;))

general rule of thumb that i have heard is that to gain 3db you need to double your amp power or double your subs. Is this true or was someone just giving me bs.

Really, I don't even consider power at first. I just try different boxes and the numbers keep going up. Those subs should hit pretty decent numbers with that power if in a well made box and tuned around the res. freq. of you car.

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