my situation

10+ year member

here's my 3 cents
I currnetly own 2 12.44Ks and was thinking of up grading to 4.

How ever I am becoming more reluctant to give up all off my trunk.

So here is what I was thinking. get a nice pair of coaxials and put them in my rear deck to use when I want rock.

I would also buy a 15" XXX, Barahma, D2, A(when the new ones come out), etc. and put in a toggle switch for when I listen to Rap.

thw 15 would be ported to around 30 hz. or lower. I love the rumble of real low bass, to any off those subs have an advatage over the others on the low end.

Any other suggestions welcomed. //

If you like eD, wait for the new A and get a single. If you like the low bass, get a 15" and don't worry about that switch. You can listen to the good bass anytime. Is there a subwoofer control on your HU? If so, just use that to adjust the level of your sub.

I recommend getting a new eD A so you can tell us all how it sounds. Hope this helps.

when is ed going to release the new As.

I think I still will use the switch, for some reson I just don't like how rock sounds with a sub // Maybe the new A will change that.

Like ghs said, having two completely different woofers in your trunk on a toggle switch is pointless. If you want more SPL, get 1 or 2 A's and sell your K's.

If you are planning on replacing your K's with a new 15", then just use the subwoofer control on your HU to turn off the bass when needed. That's what I thought you meant in the 1st place.

I just planned on selling the Ks in the first place. I know that different woofers is a no no.

My HU doesn't have a subwoofer control, cheap low line pioneer(should start looking for a new one). I do lots of driving with friends in the back seat and the sub can start to annoy them after awhile. So what I have done in the past is just hooked up a toogle swith to the remote lead so I can turn the amp off when ever I want.

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