Need help on choosing a 4 channel amp

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Senior VIP Member
S Cal
Hi guys, im shopping for a new 4 channel amp to power my front stage and a single sub. Price range will be 200-300, power - 50x4 up to 85x4. Here is my list of what im looking at right now:

1. Avionixx AXA440.4 - 85x4 - $205

2. Phoenix Gold Tantrum 400.4 - 50x4 - $230

3. Phoenix Gold Tantrum 600.4 - 75x4 - $265 ebay

4. Arc Audio KAR 400.4 - 50x4 - $269

5. US Amps USA-4300X - 75x4 - dont know price yet

Which will be the best sq, quality, reliability and value.

I like the Arc Audio because its the smallest size amp and i can

put it under my seat, the others must go to the back. Any input will

be gladly appreciated, thanks!

well, also remember sometimes you get what you pay for. Pheonix is not crap, but its not gold either. try to stick to popular name brands when it comes to amps. this fourm wont lead you to buying crap, there are too many people on this fourm who have dedicated their lives to car audio, sadly to say i am not one of those people

Sorry limitkid7, i dont buy used man. But hope you find a buyer of it though, good luck.

Jerm, im still hesitant on the avionixx brand, maybe because their a new company, i rarely see a review on them. I've heard some people say their noisy some say they're not....but their pretty cheap considering their selling it for 1/4 of the price, you think they are actually $600 (600.4) and only $280 direct. I don't know if their quality is on top with the $600 range amps.

Id go with the arc man.Im not knocking phoenix gold but IMO id go with arc audio.That idv.3 can be a nice souding sub.

From the reading I've done on Avionixx (I searched ALOT before I purchased). Everything I've read on them has been nothing but good. I've seen a lot of good reviews. I have heard the AXT line (800.4) is not meant for highs & mids, and you would be better off with an AXA 600.4 if you're running components and 1 sub off it. The AXA supposabley has good SQ, puts out it's rated power and is reliable.

Again this is only from what I've read from searching this site and many others.

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