Obsidian 12-D4 @ 1000 rms daily?

10+ year member

I acquired my Obsidian Audio D4 12" (all OA had at the time I ordered it:uhoh:) a few days ago and have Kicker ZX 1000.1 I want to push it with.

I am thinking from the reading I've been doing this may get it warmer than I would like. I guess my question is has anyone had any problems with a similar setup?

just turn the gains down.. set it with a dmm meter to 1k then turn it down about 2 - 3 notches
I was originally planning on doing that but I was under the impression gain has no effect on the wattage. Feel very free to correct me, and thanks for the speedy response. This project has gotten me impatient with excitement.

I have personally seen them take 1200 watts set with a dmm and it is still working to this day w/o a problem
^^ That is good to hear. I was getting a vibe that the 600 rms was really more of a ceiling than I had thought. After seeing this Obsidian in front of me, my ZX (1231 watts on the birthsheet) sounded like a pretty good idea if I can get away with it. I plan on putting this in a 2 cube box at 32hz, and as long as it will take the power it will be in my daily. I am still hesitant staring at the "RMS Power: 600 watts" on the Made In China OA box looking me in the face.

I would love to safely run this OA12D4 at roughly 900w, I would feel way better about the install. I am going to be running a ZX1000.1. Again though I was under the impression you had to figure the total output of the amp in the equation to figure out where to set gains. I have done two-three weeks of reading on this forum before joining last night. I have had many systems, but just never had to really worry about overpowering. I want it geared towards SQ but to be able to get loud (and I don't want to run the L715D4 I got with the ZX1000.1)

So if what I'm reading is correct (I am using the calculator listed in the reference "How to Set Gains with a DMM" on this forum) it is saying @ 2000w (max) with 1DVC 4ohm driver wired to 2ohms, the recommended voltage is 63.2 volts. If i drop the max to 1800w (per the calculator) the volts drop to 60v even (which I will confirm across my DMM when it comes time to set it).

So if I understand this, I am effectively showing the sub 900w rms? For a daily driver with dynamic output I should be alright. Right?

Thanks for any input.

^^ That is good to hear. I was getting a vibe that the 600 rms was really more of a ceiling than I had thought. After seeing this Obsidian in front of me, my ZX (1231 watts on the birthsheet) sounded like a pretty good idea if I can get away with it. I plan on putting this in a 2 cube box at 32hz, and as long as it will take the power it will be in my daily. I am still hesitant staring at the "RMS Power: 600 watts" on the Made In China OA box looking me in the face.
You will never see that. Thats tested at 14.4 exact and at a higher freq then you will run

You should be alright. They can take 900 all day as long you're running good clean power to it. Just make sure your electrical is up to snuff....

You should be alright. They can take 900 all day as long you're running good clean power to it. Just make sure your electrical is up to snuff....
I have a run of 0/1 AWG and a H/O alt (165ish at 2500rpm) I'll be putting in, a new battery is on the wishlist. I was wanting to avoid rewiring this to 0 but I might just have to **** it up.

Be smart and cautious at first, and you'll generally never have issues.
I have always tried...lol. This is the first install I won't be using a prefab box either, I am going to attempt to build the 2.35cbft box tuned to 32 hz listed in the free box plans. I am not sure that the tuning will be spot on with my sub displacing .16cbft but it will be my first enclosure build sans assistance/payment.

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Do you have any pics with user name and date or is this at a local garage sale?????????????????
The JD does ~800 watts@ 3 Ohms so I assume there would be no noticeable difference.

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