pyrimid + ferrari = WTF!!!!

"Please click on thumbnains below to view higher resolution images of the 7000 watt M99 Ferrari F355 Spider audio installation"


Amps- 1 PB2400D (2400 watts RMS, 6000 watts max), 1 PB781X (1000 watts max)

Speakers- 2 PW1290 (1200 watt) subs in vented box tuned to 35Hz, 1 CK657 component kit

Pyrmaid crap... I guess he got brain damage from all the wind hitting his had at 150mph, or was broke from buying the car. For the price he could have got something decent though. Plus who goes by max watts... 7000 MAX WATTS, maybe lucky to see 1000-1500 RMS out of those sorry amps.

Judging by the fact that he has window stickers, as well as almost a full set of Pyramid components, as well as the fact that it's a Ferrari, I'm going to go ahead and assume he's in some way sponsored by Pyramid. This is the only rational explanation I can come up with as to why someone rich enough to own a Ferrari would spend his or her money on second-rate equiptment.

Judging by the fact that he has window stickers, as well as almost a full set of Pyramid components, as well as the fact that it's a Ferrari, I'm going to go ahead and assume he's in some way sponsored by Pyramid. This is the only rational explanation I can come up with as to why someone rich enough to own a Ferrari would spend his or her money on second-rate equiptment.
very true, probably a sponsorship car

if you can afford a ferrari, u can afford better subs

I am in no way condoning the use of pyramid, I personally will never, but what you guys are forgeting to realize is that its all in the install. Im willing to bet that if they spent the time and the money to put this in a ferrari that it probably sounds pretty good. Remember a good install can make anything sound good.

i have a couple pairs of dickies, wear them quite often too. good pants. //

ewwwww... If I had a Ferrari, I would prolly put a very discreet ported 10w7 or something just for a little bass, a big flashy system in a Ferrari makes me want to cry. I'm going to go puke now.

well, you know they say that Bill Gates cuts his own hair. I guess some people are just cheap.
He cuts his own hair so he doesnt have to go out in public and run the risk of getting taken hostage and have a ransom. Extact reason why his children arent aloud outside there house, and they have there own school teacher at home.

NO NO NO!!! don't put a system in Ferrari. The sweet purrrrr of the engine is all the music one needs. And pyramid...****...he needs to be hit in the head hard! //

thats probably the owner of pyramids car, he's made thousands b/c kids think the speaker will be loud since it has a big magnet or if the amp says 1000 watts max

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