Rockford vs. Alpine?

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Hey, i'm checkin out two different amps. i'm torn between the two as i want to power just one alpine type s sub (600w peak power, 200w rms). The two amps are the rockford 301S and the Alpine MRV-T320. I need an expert opinion on this one...

i would definantly go with the alpine. i have had only good experiences with the V12 line of alpine amps. i try to stay away from rockford unless you are talking about the previous generation amps, which are very nice. the new line is crap IMO.

Either one is a great choice. Since you are going with Alpine for subs might as well go with Alpine for an amp as well though. RF does make some nice a$$ amps though, they always have and are almost always underrated.

as a rule of thumb in the audio industry it is better to buy all the same brand equipment. why? these companies test they products on their own products. since you arent governed by price i would go with the alpine amp

as a rule of thumb in the audio industry it is better to buy all the same brand equipment. why? these companies test they products on their own products. since you arent governed by price i would go with the alpine amp

well sure they test it on there own stuff, but you do not need everything to be the same brand.

Alpine amps = overpriced ; however, underrated so...

Thats very true! They are a little pricy...but theres a shop in edmonton closing down, and they're advertising 50% off all car audio,so i'm hoping to get a good deal.

Ya, the good deal, wasn't as good as i thought. It wasn't bad, i mean for the MVRT420 model, they were askin $$400 canadian, which is quite a lot off of the retail, but thats still a fair bit of cash. I settled with the T320, and i'm stoked to get it in and start running my system. Thanks for the help!

Well, when i went in yesterday, they said they had shut down two of their stores, and left three of them still up. So the reason for the sale is that they are getting the two other stores stuff to sell. So they're trying to get rid of it for cheap. They have a whole crap load of Xtant subs, a few type R's a few type S's and a bunch of pheonix stuff. I didn't really check out the HU's as i dont need one, but everything else was a pretty good deal. I dont know if you've ever heard of them, but its from a company called International Stereo. I think they're all over canada, and maybe in the US but i could be wrong.

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All things being equal would be a different sealed enclosure for the 12. 1ft3 for a 10" sub should be increased to give the 12 the same resonant...
This may be an option for you as well. Im sure Amazon has them on theyre site also to be purchased. Great amps...
They arent designed for easy rebuild, they are designed for fast original build.
Thanks ya. Just pulled the trigger on the 1500BDCP because of the constant power that RF developed to help with the ohm rise.

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