Sub boxes don't need to be perfectly square right?

10+ year member

Sub boxes don't need to be perfectly square right? B/c i wanna put one in my jeep but the way it will be is slightly down and foward facing.









Sorry for the high quality pic... But that is a rough idea of what i plan to do... (where is say sub, that would be the front of it (the way the

no the box can be any angel or slant you want it to be just dont forget you need some room for the sub :thumbsup :thumbsup

do you mean like this box if you do mean that cind of box it will only get like 1/2 as loud but if i was you becaues you got a jeep is to go with a seald box cuz if you go with a ported BOX you will get a sound of air coming out of the port and it gets VARY ERATAING!!! AND WHAT CIND OF SUB'S ARE YOU RUNNING. // :veryhappy

LOL nice pic man, but no it dont matter if they r perfectly square. I dont think i have ever seen a box that was perfectly square come to think of it. But hey KBJT how many watts r u sending your type r's? Cuz i have 2 but dont know if im gonna send each 300rms or 400watts rms each.

IM GIVEING them 500 rms each so thay will pound and it wont reck them thay can take that all day long

im useing a mtx 1000d amp at 2 ohm's

correct the box will work if it isn't square. however, make sure that the angles on the edges are right so the two pieces of mdf will line up correctly so they will be no leaks. //

****... i just relized what i wrote....... i ment to say the AMP... my bad...
First of all, a lot of prefab boxes come w/ the back & the baffle at an angle to eachother to try to further deflect the rear wave of the sub. Second of all, if you try to put the amp in the box, you're going to have to run a bunch of wires through your box, which will almost certainly cause a leak, and if you ever want to change a gain or crossover point or fuse on your amp you will be fcuked. also amps need cool air around them. It will most likely heat up the inside of the box pretty f*ing fast and then either be shut off by its thermal protection or just blow up.

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