To All Kicker L7 owners

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I would just like to know how many people who own these subs really enjoy the way they sound and how they hit. It seems to me that there are a lot of people who bash these subs pretty hardcore around here, but I also believe there are a lot of people here who own them and love them. We L7 owners need to take a stand and quash those people who say they "****". Use this thread to talk about anything you want with your L7's. What you've had them metered at, how many you have, what size, what type of box you have them in, what type of amp you are running to them. I have two 12 L7's in a small sealed pre-fab kicker box with a Crossfire VR1000D amp running them at 1 ohm. I love the way they sound, and even in that box they shake my rear view mirror out of place and shake my hands off the steering wheel. Have at it people!

Was that really neccessary? I mean, really?

ANYWAY, I have had much experience installing, tuning, and listening to L7s. In the right situation, and with the right install, L7s can sound pretty good. Granted, not as good as lots of more Sound Quality oriented subs, but for what they are, they get the job done. I owned a pair of L7 Fifteens and i liked them. They were quite loud. I have now slightly grown out of that all out boom phase, and am starting a new chapter in my audio career. Still like the loud stuff, but now im wanting some quality. Well, after jumping completely off topic, but not totally, there is my .02. LOL.

Absolutely, and like I said 10,000 times before, I wish you little *****s who simply "pass on" what they see on a forum would STFU. //

Use you're objectivity if you've actually heard the sub. "This sub *****. It sounds like crap." -Sure it does, HOW? Enclosure? Amp? Do you **** at installs?

Anyway, last night I installed a new amp in my buddy's civic, driving 2 12"L5's. Small sealed box, response was tight and accurate. Solo-barics, just like the majority of subwoofers CAN sound good with a correct install.

BTW- For those of you who want a break from Hifonics, the Visonik v900xd puts out 1000w @ 2 ohms, 1500 @ 1 ohm at 14.4 volts. $220.00 //

I have listened to L7's that in the PROPER enclosure, sound awesome. The shop where I have bought most my equipment over the years have done some kick ass installs. The shop manager is a registered IASCA judge and has been for no less than 7 years. He has the usual sweet equipment such as the 6 channel 2000 watt McIntosh amp (for highs), Focal Utopia through out his install and decided to go with 10L7's for the subs. He chose them for their response and depth, and I have had the privledge to listen to it. It will give the hardest critic goose bumps. That was the day he sold me on kicker subs. Before that I thought they were just overhyped subs. Put them in a small sealed enclosure and they play tight and clean.

I know people that have L7's and they sound really good. People that say they sound like crap has probably never even heard one. To tell the truth any sub can sound like s***, even a W7. It's all in the install, you can even make 2 12" Xplodes sound golden and hit 145db if it's installed right. So don't listen to what people on here say, cuz most of them has never even most of the subs they talk about. If they have it must have been some ghetto set up in a prefab box with a 400 watt BOSS amp.

I got a pair and I em. I guess it's all personal preference, "if you aint got anything nice to say dont say it at all." Ahem "gettnbig." another quote for you, "Everyone is wise untill they open their mouth."

L7's....Im not gonna lie, there not sound quality oriented subs. They give a nice low end in a very large (i.e. over 5 cube) sealed box, but they are rather loose and very boomy. They do hit the notes alright, I would rank them above many rockfords, but as far as SQ goes there are better options out there. If your a straight SPL man though who just wants decent SQ but nothing great, than an L7 could be jsut what your looking for

L7's....Im not gonna lie, there not sound quality oriented subs. They give a nice low end in a very large (i.e. over 5 cube) sealed box, but they are rather loose and very boomy. They do hit the notes alright, I would rank them above many rockfords, but as far as SQ goes there are better options out there. If your a straight SPL man though who just wants decent SQ but nothing great, than an L7 could be jsut what your looking for
This is a perfect example of why people think they sound muddy. They are recommended to be in an enclosure NO BIGGER than 2.0 cu ft sealed (for the 12" subs). They're optimum sealed volume is around 1.0 cu ft. If people would start paying attention to box displacement recommendations then sq wouldn't even be an issue. Over 5 cubes? Come on, that is close to the maximum displacement for a fifteen, and if your lookin for sound quality then you want to keep it near its minimum enclosure volume recomendation anyway. By the way, the tens I listened to were in a .7 cu ft sealed box. They sounded sweet, and before you say something dumb about the untrained ear I've listened long enough to know the difference.

This is a perfect example of why people think they sound muddy. They are recommended to be in an enclosure NO BIGGER than 2.0 cu ft sealed (for the 12" subs). They're optimum sealed volume is around 1.0 cu ft. If people would start paying attention to box displacement recommendations then sq wouldn't even be an issue. Over 5 cubes? Come on, that is close to the maximum displacement for a fifteen, and if your lookin for sound quality then you want to keep it near its minimum enclosure volume recomendation anyway. By the way, the tens I listened to were in a .7 cu ft sealed box. They sounded sweet, and before you say something dumb about the untrained ear I've listened long enough to know the difference.
Oh yeah? thats funny b*tch, go to the kicker website and look at the box recomendations for a L715", the maximum is six cubes. Do your research before you post this sh*t, plus I have exp. with the subs and I know what I'm talking about

You ain't served nothing, moron. If you can read which apparently you can't, I said 5 cubes is "CLOSE TO MAXIMUM DISPLACEMENT FOR A FIFTEEN", not over the displacement. You also said they're "loose and boomy" the REASON they're loose and boomy is because of the large enclosure, large is for loud, not sound quality. They SOUND better in small sealed enclosures. As for experience it appears it isn't worth the time you've spent or you wouldn't post what you just did. I don't need to go to their website, I have all the literature on all their subs on paper.

I have one S15L7 in a 6,6cu.ft box (including port) port area is little over and tuned to 49Hz.

Because of the big port it has no SQ and doesn't play very good usuall music. But it works very well with 49Hz constat tone // and thats what I need.

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