Was setting input sensitvity and..

10+ year member

Hello new to the forums. Was mainly a lurker. Now that i need help i decided to post and hopefully somone is able to help me.

My setup consists of Kenwood kvt-911, jl 1000/1, 450/4, 13w7 slot ported 2.5 cubes tuned at 30hz. Jl audio 5.25 rear and 6x9 doors.

I have had this setup playing nicely for a week. I decided to adjust the sensitivity after reading several thread here. Was following along the jlaudio guidline, I was never able to get past 8,9 volts and my target was 54.7 volts for 3ohms so i gave up and put every setting back the way i had it. Well now I have no output on both my amps, there is power going to them, Green light is on. If i turn it pretty high you can sort of hear it? I dont know what to do now. I checked the rca plugs, gorund wires, settings, im just man i dont know pissed. Please help.

I know its my first post coming in here and asking for help but pls do..

The senisitivity is on low. I was using a bassmekanik cd 50hz sine wave. I dont know if it was recorded at 0db. But my main issue i set everything back the way it was and no sounds from the speakers.

yup i have it on AC and V. I went outside to try againg now i ahve a reading of 0 //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/frown.gif.a3531fa0534503350665a1e957861287.gif . But theres still power.

Go inside and measure your walls voltage. Is it reading like 115v? I'm not so sure your meter isnt a decimal point off, and you arent setting it to 83 volts if you are hearing the switch from source to source.... of course, that could be indicative of another problem.

Well messed around with a little more and ran out of sunlight. Imma get up early in the morning and check fuses, wiring , etc, see what i can find. I e-mailed jl see what they say. If any of you guys have any suggetsion on what to do or check pls let me know thx.

Ok, but I still want to know if your multimeter if fubar, or if it is a component in your system is fubar. Did you get a wall socket measurement?

What HU are you running?

New mutlimeter. Just bought it today. I dont know whats messed up, something is tho //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif. Wall socket read out 122. 4 volts. HU =kennwood Excelon KVT-911

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