Why use a monobloc?

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Ok, I gotta admit I'm not even sure what a monoblock amp is. My best guess is a single channel amp dedicated to a subwoofer. Now why is it that people here say that it is better to use a monoblock for a sub as oppose to bridging two channels together? Isn't it the same thing (if same power output)? I will have a 2x100 and 1x200 3 channel amp. How would this be different from having a monoblock putting out 200watts power the sub? Please explain advantages and disadvantages.

I believe that when you bridge an amp, the THD increases. It may or may not be noticable though. A monoblock amp is exactly what you guessed, dedicated sub amp. A Class D sub amp is more efficient than a AB 2 channel or whatever, and will most likely have a lower THD compared to a bridged amp. Hopefully ive got this right.. lol im still pretty new to this stuff

when you have a monoblock amp, you dont have to worry about setting different gains and crossovers on different amps, (or on some amps,) on different channels

Many times two channel amps can not be wired to 2 ohm mono, while Mono amps can usually be wired to 2 or 1 mono,so that eliminates a lot of options. Like mentioned class d are more efficient, and well basically thats it.

if you're talking about 200w there really aren't any advantages to going class D.

It's when you get up over 500 that efficiency begins to make a difference. Plus, if you need 1000 watts it's almost always more cost effective to go class D.

if you're talking about 200w there really aren't any advantages to going class D.
It's when you get up over 500 that efficiency begins to make a difference. Plus, if you need 1000 watts it's almost always more cost effective to go class D.
Yeah, but most mono's usually have more stability at lower ohm loads, so thats basically all I can think of.

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