02 Jeep Grand Cherokee Build (AKA Project Silent Night)

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Well for a long time I'd been trying to sell my Grand Prix and just couldn't seem to get rid of it. Guy offered to trade me a Jeep and I've always wanted a jeep so despite the Jeep having 250K miles I took him up on it this weekend. The interior is super clean and the outside is in good shape as well. Rockers are a little rusty but that's a Michigan Jeep thing.

The plan for the Jeep is for it to be a winter beater/audio ride. Trying to keep the salt off of my Duramax. As far as the audio goes planning a B Pillar 4th for 4 18's on roughly 8k. From my rough measurements today I will have 46 cubes gross to work with. Progress will be kind of slow because I'm home around 4 days a month. Plan to start buying equipment after the holidays goal is to be finished by whenever the first show in Michigan is. Will be primarily competing in IASCA and ISPLL. I always wanted a cool build log name even though it's lame lol.

Builds that I'll be pulling some inspiration from include, Galen Winesette's Jeep, Master Of Bass's build on here, and Don's TDH Jeep on SMD.

Tenative Equipment List:


Singer Alternator (1 for starters maybe externally regulated)

Full Throttle Group 65 for under the hood (ordered last night)

JY Lithium (Leaning towards 80 AH)

Electron Beam 2/0 (Lots of it)

ILL Customz Battery Terminals (Ordered Last Night)

Clarion CZ702 already have (unless I find a great deal on an 80 PRS)

4 Cascade Omega Neo 18's (building motors like Robs, PSI recones likely)

Amp must be under 8K class restrictions (Flatline B2A, M1S, AB 750.1)

McLaren Mid's & Highs (cross that bridge when I get there)

4 Channels (Really thinking PPI 900.4's)


Welder (Really want a lincoln Power Mig 210 with the Tig torch)

300 or so feet of steel 1x2 tubing

Air Bags of some sort I'm sure

BHE 4th order design

Volt Meters

Out with the old:

In with the new:

Like I said it's clean:

Going to be a shame to gut it from the B-Pillar back:


---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ----------


The only equipment I have currently //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/frown.gif.a3531fa0534503350665a1e957861287.gif

The jeep came with the stuff to put in an aftermarket radio I'm too lazy to do it today:

Steel sets:

Look forward to watching this thread. Currently working on a 2002 JGC as well so I'd be interested to see the potential from someone who seems knowledgeable in the area!

My 97 Jeep only wound up with about 24 cube net. If you plan to drive it you'll probably want to start a bit behind B-pillar and if you want room for batteries and amp in the back that'll eat up some space as well. Good luck finding 40 cube... I'd highly advise building your shell (top and sides) then measure again and see how much space you really have and if you'll even have room to mount 4 18s.

Look forward to watching this thread. Currently working on a 2002 JGC as well so I'd be interested to see the potential from someone who seems knowledgeable in the area!
Thanks man it's going to be slow going, I travel for work so time is limited. Currently talking with a singer rep about getting an alt. I bought an external regulator so that's one more thing off the list. A couple delays are the holidays spent quite a bit on everyone so it puts a damper on build spending, additionally getting the steel pillars machined for the motors is proving difficult my friends family has a machine shop but they're really slammed as of now. The motors are one of the first things I want to have done. Thanks for following though I'm sorry I tend to ramble.

My 97 Jeep only wound up with about 24 cube net. If you plan to drive it you'll probably want to start a bit behind B-pillar and if you want room for batteries and amp in the back that'll eat up some space as well. Good luck finding 40 cube... I'd highly advise building your shell (top and sides) then measure again and see how much space you really have and if you'll even have room to mount 4 18s.
Ok disclaimer this is might come off as rude but I'm not trying to be. My rough measurement with carpet, headliner and floor carpet in are 42W, 36H, 53D which equates to 80,136 IN^3 when divided by 12^3 comes out to 46.375 FT^3. These measurements allow for about a foot at the bottom for batteries (since I plan to use lithium I don't foresee needing a ton of space) additionally under the front there could/will be space where batteries could/may be mounted. Additionally I do feel four 18's is certainly doable.

This build utilized 4 18's and I feel they wasted some space that I can get back with steel.

Don's Jeep Grand Cherokee 4th Order UBL - MEMBERS Uninterrupted Build Logs! (UBL) - SMD Forum I know I'm going to lose some space to wall thickness but not as much as they did. I plan on building my steel shell over the wheel wells so that the wood buts up to them similar to what was done here. 12 (12) 20kw B2 Audio 4th Order Steel Cage - Car Audio Classifieds

I could always go 4 15's in a larger ratio, however I am waiting for IASCA to release the 2017 rules as 4 18's is towards the upper end of the class I plan to compete in as far as cone area goes. 4 15's would put me at a large disadvantage in that class and 6 would be costly to build just for the neo for 4 motors is going to be $400 (not to mention the cost/rarity of steel sets). Thanks for your insight we will definitely see how it goes.

Ok I just wanted to share some things because I'm bored. This will be my first time building a wall, also will be my first time using more than 2 woofers and my first time doing a recone of any kind. Hoping to do a 50 not sure if it will go well. Also I bought an external regulator so that will be waiting for me at home. My friend is supposed to be machining pillars for the neo to sit on, but his shop is slammed so he hasn't had time.

When I get home around the 20th I'm hoping to get the new battery and terminals installed, do the big 3 if I have enough 2/0, gut interior, and maybe make progress on the motors if the parts get machined. Additionally I have to pull duramax turbo, install new turbo with upgraded wheel, full y bridge, and install shift kit (these will eat a lot of time and be top priority).

Anyway the day I got the jeep I got bored and decided to put the radio in, at first I couldn't get the radio to turn on, it turns out that there was a blown fuse. After I got it to turn on I wasn't getting any output I didn't have to look into but I ordered a new radio harness hopefully that fixes my issue.

Also I put this on I'm sure it's good for at least 2 decibels.

In all seriousness I hate the look of radio antennas and I never listen to the radio. I originally bought that thing for my Duramax but it didn't fit (ended up just removing the antenna).

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Thanks man it's going to be slow going, I travel for work so time is limited. Currently talking with a singer rep about getting an alt. I bought an external regulator so that's one more thing off the list. A couple delays are the holidays spent quite a bit on everyone so it puts a damper on build spending, additionally getting the steel pillars machined for the motors is proving difficult my friends family has a machine shop but they're really slammed as of now. The motors are one of the first things I want to have done. Thanks for following though I'm sorry I tend to ramble.

Ok disclaimer this is might come off as rude but I'm not trying to be. My rough measurement with carpet, headliner and floor carpet in are 42W, 36H, 53D which equates to 80,136 IN^3 when divided by 12^3 comes out to 46.375 FT^3. These measurements allow for about a foot at the bottom for batteries (since I plan to use lithium I don't foresee needing a ton of space) additionally under the front there could/will be space where batteries could/may be mounted. Additionally I do feel four 18's is certainly doable.

This build utilized 4 18's and I feel they wasted some space that I can get back with steel.

Don's Jeep Grand Cherokee 4th Order UBL - MEMBERS Uninterrupted Build Logs! (UBL) - SMD Forum I know I'm going to lose some space to wall thickness but not as much as they did. I plan on building my steel shell over the wheel wells so that the wood buts up to them similar to what was done here. 12 (12) 20kw B2 Audio 4th Order Steel Cage - Car Audio Classifieds

I could always go 4 15's in a larger ratio, however I am waiting for IASCA to release the 2017 rules as 4 18's is towards the upper end of the class I plan to compete in as far as cone area goes. 4 15's would put me at a large disadvantage in that class and 6 would be costly to build just for the neo for 4 motors is going to be $400 (not to mention the cost/rarity of steel sets). Thanks for your insight we will definitely see how it goes.
42 and 36 is pretty much mine width and height . 42 might be a bit more if you go out and over where the wheels stick in. After leaving myself enough to sit comfortably and have ample room to mount amps and batteries in the back and a few layers of wood and a thick baffle interally I think I only have 34 ish depth. Steel may save you a little bit but just saying, mock up the shell, sit in the front and see if you're comfortable, lay your bats and amps in the back and future proof yourself in case you ever need more or different amps/bats.

18's may still work OK for you, but may as well be certain before you throw 800$ worth of frames and softparts into the mix.

...a blown fuse. After I got it to turn on I wasn't getting any output I didn't have to look into but I ordered a new radio harness hopefully that fixes my issue.
Do you have the factory amp under the back seat? Is there a separate fuse for that that might be blown?

Also there's a Cherokee on SMD that has just a pair of 18s on a pair of Qubed 3500s that broke 160. If you're chasing numbers that's the one I'd try to copy.

42 and 36 is pretty much mine width and height . 42 might be a bit more if you go out and over where the wheels stick in. After leaving myself enough to sit comfortably and have ample room to mount amps and batteries in the back and a few layers of wood and a thick baffle interally I think I only have 34 ish depth. Steel may save you a little bit but just saying, mock up the shell, sit in the front and see if you're comfortable, lay your bats and amps in the back and future proof yourself in case you ever need more or different amps/bats.
18's may still work OK for you, but may as well be certain before you throw 800$ worth of frames and softparts into the mix.
Thanks man I appreciate the insight, I know what you mean on the soft parts though, those will be towards the end of the buying things. As far as sitting comfortably I'm of average height and I sit fairly close to the steering wheel so as far as comfort goes I can sit with my seat even with the B-Pillar. How many baffles did you use? For additional reference Galen's 6 15 4th must be at least 45 inches in depth internally as his subs are mounted next to each other. Maybe the older Grand Cherokee's have less room? I'm not familiar with them.

Do you have the factory amp under the back seat? Is there a separate fuse for that that might be blown?
Also there's a Cherokee on SMD that has just a pair of 18s on a pair of Qubed 3500s that broke 160. If you're chasing numbers that's the one I'd try to copy.
I could have I haven't had time to look sadly I had the Jeep for 2 days when I was home, that would certainly complicate things though. I really need more time to look into it which I'll get after the 20th. Is that the tan one? I think I know which one you're talking about, however I really want to go with a 4th //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif

Thanks man I appreciate the insight, I know what you mean on the soft parts though, those will be towards the end of the buying things. As far as sitting comfortably I'm of average height and I sit fairly close to the steering wheel so as far as comfort goes I can sit with my seat even with the B-Pillar. How many baffles did you use? For additional reference Galen's 6 15 4th must be at least 45 inches in depth internally as his subs are mounted next to each other. Maybe the older Grand Cherokee's have less room? I'm not familiar with them.

I could have I haven't had time to look sadly I had the Jeep for 2 days when I was home, that would certainly complicate things though. I really need more time to look into it which I'll get after the 20th. Is that the tan one? I think I know which one you're talking about, however I really want to go with a 4th //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif
I'm 6" and like to sit way back when I drive. My brothers, friends, and anybody else I ride with are as tall at least.

Might have been a tan one, yeah. Anyway, chasing numbers you'll want a YUGE port.


As you can see, I did stuff 4 55AH size batteries behind the front seat. I suspect having anything other than a flat front doesn't help in the deebeez department so if you're tenth chasing might want to avoid that. Those batteries + 6 phase Excessive alt hung pretty well with the Zed amps, but I don't think I was seeing more than 500W each out of those amps, they are very efficient, AND with regulated power supply dropping voltage was a non issue since they make power regardless.

I've got a very big amp coming on the FedEx truck tomorrow and I've ordered a couple 110AH batteries and will grab more later once I figure out how I'm going to fit them. If I can wait until I can justify a trip to Ohio I have a good source or batteries there, but it's a 15-16 hour drive so that'll be next summer if I do.

I really wanted to get into Lithium but nobody who sells them was very responsive to my inquiries and I don't spend that kind of money with people who can't be bothered to pick up the phone and/or return messages.

Oh and notice the 4th order you linked his baffles are angled out to give a little more space to mount those subs.

Well one of my favorite things about coming home from being on the road is opening packages. Sadly not much of what I actually ordered arrived. I ordered the threaded rod, weld nuts and a s**t ton of #8 self tappers tracking says delivered, but they haven't showed up emailed company today. Still waiting on battery have yet to receive tracking, if it hasn't arrived by Monday I will be cancelling my order it's a principal thing in my opinion it shouldn't take 3 weeks to ship a battery. Duramax parts didn't arrive either but they had to be custom powder coated.

Anyhow I did get some things at least new wiring harness for radio, antenna adapter, external regulator, Illz Customs battery terminals for battery under the hood and lithium when I get it. I will say I'm impressed by the battery terminals his response time was good and he got them out fast won't hesitate to take future business to him. I also got a used 18" basket but it has vent holes drilled below the spider landing so I don't know if I'll actually use it. Oh and my secret santa package arrived but I'm waiting until chrismas to open it.

Oh also I got a new phone that I'm getting going today, maybe it will lead to better build log pictures:

Well small updates are still updates right. My hardware that had to be re shipped arrived, lucky I was home to catch the UPS guy because he was definitely lost so where the stuff arrived the first time is a mystery that will never be solved. So if you need large quantities of fasteners or other stuff I'd check out Zoro all this stuff was like 50 bucks.

-100 T-Nuts

-400 #8 Self Tappers

-30ft 1/4-20 Threaded Rod

-200 Weld Nuts


Also trying to iron out a deal with a guy on Facebook. He has 2 320A mechmans for my jeep with a bracket. So trying to go that route as it would be a little more than buying 1 new alt so it seems like a no brainer.

Edit: Also was going to get the steel for the pillars of the motors but I've been under the weather since I got back from Atlanta so maybe tomorrow.

Well more small updates I figure if I keep plugging away at it there will be less work to do in the future. So last night I drilled out my top plates and the back plates for the weld nuts. I used two different size drill bits a 3/8 to go the depth of the weld nut and a 5/16 to open up the top of the hole a little because the weld nuts wouldn't sit quite flat. Picked up the steel for the neo pillars today it was $40 from Alro which is the local steel distributor. Hoping to get them machined next week I'll try and get some videos or something because I think he plans to do them on a CNC machine.

In other news I ended up finding 2 Mechman 320's for the jeep used so I bought them, figured it was a better route as it was only a little more than some of the quotes I got for a single alternator. They're coming with a bracket but it looks kind of rough so I'll probably fab up a better one. Additionally I finally got in touch with Droppin Hz and Mr. Young from Full Throttle. They ran out of 65's and the one the dealer was going to send me went elsewhere. So they're sending me a Group 31 instead of a 65 I just have to make it fit. Might have to weld up a battery tray. So anyhow on to the pictures, nothing real exciting.

I screwed the top plates down while drilling them made it a little easier.

Top plates drilled.

T-Yoke bottoms drilled, by this point I was over drilling it was a tedious job.

20ft of A36 I only needed like 11 feet but I figured I can have some extra cut in case I want to run 6 subs in the future. The rest can be used as bracing or something.

I plan to cut the threaded rod tomorrow, I have a safety meeting at work and then I'll probably cut them real quick afterwards on the band saw.

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Interesting thread. I sold my black 01' jeep wj limited. I had 2 fi btl 18s in it and it was nasty. The rear window wiper motor fell off inside the hatch and was a pain to reattach. the sunroom warped and wouldn't seal anymore. Those are the only issues I had. I was running a cheap eBay "300amp" alty and 2 extra batteries in the spare tire compartment. Was a daily ride with the rear seat still open for passengers.

Hey I got that same HU (Clarion CZ702) but cannot for the life of me get the highs to sound better. Any ideas?
I don't know man I've never hooked it up to a 4 channel. Sorry I can't currently be of more help.

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