Recent content by forum_punk

  1. F

    Amp Problem! Help Me ASAP

    HELP! I have a Sentrek 480wx4 that I got from a friend that is very much into the car audio scene. He was nice enough to give it to me to use for my 1995 Pontiac Sunfire. I hooked it all up correctly, and then hooked my 2 12'' 400w Rockford Punch Zs. I turned on the ignition, and tried the deck...
  2. F

    Help with Kenwood cassette deck in girlfriend's car!

    Help me! I have a 1999 Kenwood cassette reciever (model #KRC-235) with the disc changer av inputs on the back along with the amp preouts. I was wondering if you could plug in a standard wire with the avs on one end and a headphone plug on the other in order to connect a personal cd player to it...
  3. F

    Sub Box

    Like Matt said, go to somplace like Home Depot and make it yourself. That way, you can make it however you want and you can "experiment" with what you have.
  4. F

    best Spl for Cadillac

    Well, it would obviously depend on what type of Cadillac you planned on decking out. If it is an old school eldo, than 2 12 600w + RMS would suffice with a sufficient amp with at least 100 watts more to push them. Be careful though, and tune the components to safely operate. Since the equipment...
  5. F

    help me with old amp!

    I have an old 200x2 amp that i got from a retired car audio fanatic,. I hooked it up, the little light that meant the steady power flow was on, but there was no sound. I fiddled around with the speaker and ground terminals, but no help. I then got new monster cables for it and no help. I then...
  6. F

    Help me with amp!

    I have a 200x2 watt amp that i got from a retired audio fanatic dirt cheap. I hooked it up, it has the steady power flow......but no sound..... I replaced the av's and got new monster cables to see if that was the problem...didn't help. I then put it in a different car with a completely...
  7. F

    No sound from speakers with el kameleon

    I have seen an El Kameleon deck being put in Iand I noticed that the colors on the wiring harnesses have 3 or four wires of the same color scheme, but very faintly different (like a fire engine red and a red brick red) I needed to get a REAL close look to differentiate the wires. Also, make sure...
  8. F

    what kind of amp should i use

    I can relate to your problem because I just purchased 2 12'' MTX 4000s and wondered how much they can pound. I noticed that they have quite a bit of excursion, and handle even the lowest notes. I strapped them in a sealed dual carpeted wedge box and hooked them up to a 450x2 amp and put them in...
  9. F

    Sub Box Help

    I have built custom boxes for over a year and I have noticed that the best kind of box for a similar set as yours is either a dual ported bandpass, or a custom-fit sealed box. If you choose a bandpass, be sure that the ports are on the top, and the plexiglass is sealed properly. If you choose a...