Buck Box Designs - New Picture Log

You’re triggered enough to spend time ruining an audio thread. You really are a petty piece of ****…..tirgerredman

I didn't start it my man. So, don't blame me. The **** got started last night and I let it slide. When it started again today I was forced to respond. I guess that you would've have responded. I don't roll like that.
I didn't start it my man. So, don't blame me. The **** got started last night and I let it slide. When it started again today I was forced to respond. I guess that you would've have responded. I don't roll like that.

I’m pretty sure I didn’t say anything to you, because I literally have you ignored. You’re just looking for reasons to hate people. I mean, I can click and see what you say, but I don’t do that, until you started posting in my thread for some reason that I’m not aware of. I don’t care about you that much man. Like, I hope you’re doing alright, but I have you on ignore, so you must have read something that was aimed at someone else. I’m pretty sure you stalk everything I say, trying to poke holes in it.

I hope you get to feeling better man. I’m just chilling, listening to music. It’s not good to feel the way you do. You're looking for problems that aren’t there, at this point. Idk what else to say. I’m pretty sure you want to hate me, no matter what, for any reason that you can think of on any given day.

I’m sure you’re gonna say I started something with you, again, for some reason. My life doesn’t revolve around you. I just don’t care man. Hope you find a way to feel better.
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I’m pretty sure I didn’t say anything to you, because I literally have you ignored. You’re just looking for reasons to hate people. I mean, I can click and see what you say, but I don’t do that, until you started posting in my thread for some reason that I’m not aware of. I don’t care about you that much man. Like, I hope you’re doing alright, but I have you on ignore, so you must have read something that was aimed at someone else. I’m pretty sure you stalk everything I say, trying to poke holes in it.

I hope you get to feeling better man. I’m just chilling, listening to music. It’s not good to feel the way you do. You're looking for problems that aren’t there, at this point. Idk what else to say. I’m pretty sure you want to hate me, no matter what, for any reason that you can think of on any given day.

I’m sure you’re gonna say I started something with you, again, for some reason. My life doesn’t revolve around you. I just don’t care man. Hope you find a way to feel better.

I feel fine. Just cooking food and watching baseball. You don't care about anybody. You rip on anybody who disagrees with you and start calling them names like a third grader. You are nothing but a bullshitt talking conspiracy theorist.
@Buck, I was just trying to make you look better with the dislikes. Just like you told me before. So, you basically asked for them. Just sayin!

Bobby quit being a f’ing *****. Buck didn’t start some random username to f with you. He’s man enough to do it under his own name IF he wanted to. Why is it if someone disagrees, you have to hate them?
Bobby quit being a f’ing *****. Buck didn’t start some random username to f with you. He’s man enough to do it under his own name IF he wanted to. Why is it if someone disagrees, you have to hate them?

The **** got started with me last night and I let it go. When it started back up again today then I was forced to respond to it. Besides that, Buck disrespected my daughter's a couple of weeks ago and never took it back or apologized. So,, even if Buck isn't Epstein he still deserved everything that has happened to him. He can fukk with me all he wants but leave my daughter's out of it. Maybe Buck should find out who Epstein is. I'm not going to just sit back and be a punching bag. I don't roll like that. Buck likes the dislikes anyway, he said it himself.

Bobby quit being a f’ing *****. Buck didn’t start some random username to f with you. He’s man enough to do it under his own name IF he wanted to. Why is it if someone disagrees, you have to hate them?

I don't hate them if they disagree with me. You'll never see me start calling somebody names first and I very rarely respond to name calling by calling names back. And you will never see me bring their family or their personal struggles into a debate. But if somebody comes at me then I am going to stand up for myself. I've said that ever since I joined this forum. I refuse to be bullied.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t say anything to you, because I literally have you ignored. You’re just looking for reasons to hate people. I mean, I can click and see what you say, but I don’t do that, until you started posting in my thread for some reason that I’m not aware of. I don’t care about you that much man. Like, I hope you’re doing alright, but I have you on ignore, so you must have read something that was aimed at someone else. I’m pretty sure you stalk everything I say, trying to poke holes in it.

I hope you get to feeling better man. I’m just chilling, listening to music. It’s not good to feel the way you do. You're looking for problems that aren’t there, at this point. Idk what else to say. I’m pretty sure you want to hate me, no matter what, for any reason that you can think of on any given day.

I’m sure you’re gonna say I started something with you, again, for some reason. My life doesn’t revolve around you. I just don’t care man. Hope you find a way to feel better.

You've literally told me to go kill myself and that this World would be a better place without me on it. So don't try to act like you are some fukking innocent Angel. You can try to sell that bullshitt somewhere else. I ain't buying it. You picked the wrong person to fukk with. Especially, when you disrespected my daughter's. That is really where you crossed a line. Own it!
You've literally told me to go kill myself and that this World would be a better place without me on it. So don't try to act like you are some fukking innocent Angel. You can try to sell that bullshitt somewhere else. I ain't buying it. You picked the wrong person to fukk with. Especially, when you disrespected my daughter's. That is really where you crossed a line. Own it!
You take the internet way too seriously. No one even knows your daughters. You’re acting like a whiny little teenage head case.
You were the first one to bring your daughters up in a public forum. First rule of public forums is to not let release too much personal info FYI.
You've literally told me to go kill myself and that this World would be a better place without me on it. So don't try to act like you are some fukking innocent Angel. You can try to sell that bullshitt somewhere else. I ain't buying it. You picked the wrong person to fukk with. Especially, when you disrespected my daughter's. That is really where you crossed a line. Own it!

I never told you to go kill yourself. I did say the world would be a better place without you in it, clearly referring to the actions where you’re doing the same stuff you’re doing now; personally acting my business over basically nothing dude. You have to be jealous of my box designs; that’s the only reason you would do why you did, with posting all of those boxes in my business thread. There’s no other explanation that makes sense to me. I literally did 1/10th or less of what other people did.

I never said anything bad about your daughters; I said you deserved other people talking bad about your daughters, because you talk so much sh*t about people, and you do it in a dishonest way. Can you at least complain about something I actually did? God d*mn dude this is just so stupid. You’re like a cancer that’s trying to eat my life away because you have no purpose in life. I’m making awesome box designs, and you’re just sh*tting on them, and finding any lame excuse to do so.

This forum would definitely be a better place without this BS. You’re either lying or crazy, dude. I’ve helped you with box stuff for free. Never said to kill yourself; you blame me for what other people say, because you lie to yourself. I don’t lie to myself; you have to lie to yourself to be in this bad of mental condition. I’m studying deep audio physics in my spare time, and I’m sick as f*ck physically, and I literally have no life but knowing stuff. Wtf are you doing with your loser azz? Get a life. Haha I literally design because I’m so physically disabled by multiple serious health problems. And you’re like 50 years old in the internet acting like a high school drama level nut case. I’m 29 dude. How in the hell did your life become this? This is what your life is: you just talk sh*t on the Internet. I do that some, but I’m literally a sound engineer and I know enough to make enclosures that don’t even have names, because I work my rear off in studying.

Bobby, you’re the type of person who lights himself on fire, and then blames someone else for the heat. I mean, you walk around with a flame thrower spewing flames, and then you melt like cheap plastic.

I don’t want you to kill yourself ever; I know what suicide does and is, very well. I want you to literally get a life so you don’t become more insane. I have a definite Buck personality; there’s zero doubt about that. Whatever is wrong with you is much, much, much deeper than me, buddy. It’s sad, honestly. What’s your excuse for acting like such an imbecile? Like I have deformed feet and connective tissue that likes to explode disks in my back. I have constant nerve pain that never goes away. I can sit here and list every excuse I want, to be a loser like you, but I don’t. Like, what would you do without me, man? Who would you fight with next?

Why don’t YOU build something up, instead of trying to constantly bring things down? I mean this is so juvenile. The Thunderdome is supposed to be juvenile. What makes a Bobby a Bobby? Like you’re so hard, right Bobby? Bobby is a tough guy, right? But you attack the image of a business because of mean words? And you’re literally just as savage as the worst on this forum are lol 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Bobby, why don’t you just actually try to do something useful. I have a feeling you’re just gonna be all emotional for no reason. Why do you even care what I say? Nothing better to do? Got a demon inside that you can’t control?

So, let’s see what bending of reality has to happen now. Let’s see how Bobby is gonna bend reality more and more to keep on attacking me. Should not be too long after I post this.
I never told you to go kill yourself. I did say the world would be a better place without you in it, clearly referring to the actions where you’re doing the same stuff you’re doing now; personally acting my business over basically nothing dude. You have to be jealous of my box designs; that’s the only reason you would do why you did, with posting all of those boxes in my business thread. There’s no other explanation that makes sense to me. I literally did 1/10th or less of what other people did.

I never said anything bad about your daughters; I said you deserved other people talking bad about your daughters, because you talk so much sh*t about people, and you do it in a dishonest way. Can you at least complain about something I actually did? God d*mn dude this is just so stupid. You’re like a cancer that’s trying to eat my life away because you have no purpose in life. I’m making awesome box designs, and you’re just sh*tting on them, and finding any lame excuse to do so.

This forum would definitely be a better place without this BS. You’re either lying or crazy, dude. I’ve helped you with box stuff for free. Never said to kill yourself; you blame me for what other people say, because you lie to yourself. I don’t lie to myself; you have to lie to yourself to be in this bad of mental condition. I’m studying deep audio physics in my spare time, and I’m sick as f*ck physically, and I literally have no life but knowing stuff. Wtf are you doing with your loser azz? Get a life. Haha I literally design because I’m so physically disabled by multiple serious health problems. And you’re like 50 years old in the internet acting like a high school drama level nut case. I’m 29 dude. How in the hell did your life become this? This is what your life is: you just talk sh*t on the Internet. I do that some, but I’m literally a sound engineer and I know enough to make enclosures that don’t even have names, because I work my rear off in studying.

Bobby, you’re the type of person who lights himself on fire, and then blames someone else for the heat. I mean, you walk around with a flame thrower spewing flames, and then you melt like cheap plastic.

I don’t want you to kill yourself ever; I know what suicide does and is, very well. I want you to literally get a life so you don’t become more insane. I have a definite Buck personality; there’s zero doubt about that. Whatever is wrong with you is much, much, much deeper than me, buddy. It’s sad, honestly. What’s your excuse for acting like such an imbecile? Like I have deformed feet and connective tissue that likes to explode disks in my back. I have constant nerve pain that never goes away. I can sit here and list every excuse I want, to be a loser like you, but I don’t. Like, what would you do without me, man? Who would you fight with next?

Why don’t YOU build something up, instead of trying to constantly bring things down? I mean this is so juvenile. The Thunderdome is supposed to be juvenile. What makes a Bobby a Bobby? Like you’re so hard, right Bobby? Bobby is a tough guy, right? But you attack the image of a business because of mean words? And you’re literally just as savage as the worst on this forum are lol 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Bobby, why don’t you just actually try to do something useful. I have a feeling you’re just gonna be all emotional for no reason. Why do you even care what I say? Nothing better to do? Got a demon inside that you can’t control?

So, let’s see what bending of reality has to happen now. Let’s see how Bobby is gonna bend reality more and more to keep on attacking me. Should not be too long after I post this.

Again with the name calling and questioning my intelligence. You have never seen me rip on you about your disabilities or mental issues. That's all that you do to people and me. Then you expect me to just sit back and take it. It get's old and I'm tired of it. You have never seen me rip on you or Cool about your physical and mental ailments. That's not my style. And when you crossed the line talking about my daughter's I had had enough. And yes you have told me to go kill myself. Of course you quickly deleted it. You can play bully all you want to, but that doesn't mean that I have to put up with it. Please show me where I've questioned your intelligence, called you a shitt load of names, ripped on you because of your disabilities, or disrespected your family? I've said it on this forum repeatedly, I will not be bullied, ever!
Dude, I didn’t say anything to you recently. You’re making this up because you’re looking for reasons to fight. You are the bully.

You are straight up lying dude. I never told you to go kill yourself or talked badly about your daughters, you have zero proof, because it didn’t happen. Leave me alone you freak; you are the bully. I haven’t talked to you in forever and you want to pretend like I was talking to you, and I wasn’t, because I HAVE YOU ON IGNORE. You’re the bully!!! It’s impossible that I said stuff to you, because you’re on ignore!!!

Are you attracted to me, Bobby? Like you’re either like a skitzo or in love with me, one. You’re crazy dude; i haven’t said anything to you at all, until you started posting in my thread. You’re suffering from delusions, if you think I said anything to you in any thread besides this one. I literally am ignoring you because you’re such a miserable person to experience. I purposefully avoid you, so i know you’re lying or delusional when you say you “let it slide”. Let what slide? A problem that you made up in your head?

Leave me alone. You are harassing me.
I think Bobby is in love with me; he has to make up that I said something about him recently, because how else am I going to pay attention to him? He’s so obsessed with me tht he’s claiming my comments to others are directed to him....If I have him on ignore, he’s going to constantly claim that my replies to others are replies to him, because that’s how much he needs my attention.

So like if I exist at all in this forum, Bobby is going to find a way to get mad about my replies to others, and claim they’re directed at me, because that’s your level of how obsessed you are for me. Oh you hate me so much, but you want me to design you a box? Lol, I’m never designing anything for you dude. You literally are trying to ruin my designing business like a fascist Nazi would. You’re making up any lie you can to attack my business. I’ve had you on ignore and you think I’m responding to you 😂

I’m not Bobby. I don’t want to interact with you, at all. You’re targeting me like a predator does. It’s evil, man.
I’m not trying to battle you, @Bobbytwonames

This is the last post where you will ever see me talk to you. I’m not responding to anything you say, and I haven’t responded to anything you’ve said in any other thread since I blocked you. I don’t have time to argue, nor do I want to. So, I hope you enjoy your life and audio; this is the last you’ll ever hear from me.

Everybody who’s witnessing this; I’m not responding to any of his further comments in any thread. It’s impossible for me to comment on someone’s posts that I have ignored, because I’m not reading anything that person says (besides what’s but put in my own threads). Best of luck Bobby; bye!
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