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Icon33 db drive amp you just bought info

In the For sale thread he says it "was a refurb by DBR not kenon" but in this post from few months back he says

" its coming from sonic ill get a 1 year extended square trade warrenty "


" seems like the db drive wins. found out its repaired by kenon elec. calling tomorrow to find out if its a korean board "

The links below take you to the post where he says these things

need some opinions on new amp

Vote for my new amp!

Just thought you would like to see the above that way you can ask him about it if you like.

All I ask is to please not put me in the middle of it. Act as if you found it on your own. Just thought it was odd he would say one thing then another later on.

CENTERGOD79:I have a question for you. Is there anything I need to know about this amp?

I was searching for other amps like this one and came across a couple of your old threads. I read a thread when you were debating buying this amp, and you said that it was a Kenon Electronic refurbed amp, which I kind of figured that even when I read your post that I bought the amp on. I've been a DB Drive dealer for years, and DB-r isn't a place that repairs thier amps for re-sale. Both of the amps you were deciding about were kenon refurbs, so was the BB, which you made an excellent choice going with the DB Drive over the BB. I don't know why every one was on those thread, including you, saying it's not an OKUR amp, let me tell you, that DB Drive platnium will smoke the A72000, brand new to brand new. I don't know what that refurb is doing, I'll find out though. I have a PA BB refurbished by Kenon and it's sitting in my junk amp pile with a blown channel, I might send it to CIA but I don't think it's worth it. Just keep it real with me, I don't care about the $220, I'm rich. I just want to know if I'm going to have any problems putting that amp into one of my customers car. What do you know about that amp, does it protect? Does it do anything out of the ordinary, again I dont care about the money, and I will leave you good feedback, I just need to know what I'm dealing with. Also why would you say it's a DB-r refurb if it's not, DB-r has it's drawbacks as well as kenon. Let me know man, thanks

CATMAN(and this was on the day he was supposed to have shipped it)thi amp wasnt the original amp i had bought. i had to keep it behind closed doors that my kenon refurb smoked. so i boutght a blown one locally and sent it to dbr. it was 180 to fix and i paid 100 for the amp it has only protected once at a show for thermal reasons went back to playing 10 minutes later.

i also feel that dbr made this amp a bit stronger when he repaired the amp. ill send it to you asap. ill pm you tracking number when i ship it. i have to work all night tonight and tomorrow text me xxx-xxx-xxx if you need anything. (Now you tell me that he shipped this amp, I opened my case the same day I recieved this PM, this guy is full of lies, and BS, and I wasn't taking the chance) as far as anyone else is concerned, talk to people that I have bought from, when it's a matter of me wanting it, I buy it, and maybe the whole GAMEOVERCCA situation could have went differently, but it's not at all the same as this catman situation, and I apologize if I was wrong on the GAMEOVERCCA situation, I just didn't see any reason why it made a difference paying on the weekend, and I have never paid for anything I've bought on the weekend until sunday night, and never had an issue with it other than with people who have paypal debit cards, anyone who doesnt have a paypal debit card but has a real bank card knows that it takes a few days to get your money, and I erased a lot of the PM's from him because that situATION was different, and how the hell is he going to get on here and side with this situation, when this catman is the last person any of you would want to buy from, the boy is a compulsive liar, and gameovercca seen him open this dumb *** thread and came and took advantage of a dumb situation. to tell you the truth, If I would of known this CATMAN, i would have never bought this amp in the first place, just look at all his ******** threads.

Seems to me that you , indeed , DO NOT know how to buy online, just as GAMEOVERCCA suggested!
So, what? You think that telling him, "I want it" is good enough?

Then he should just take your word for it, immediately stop trying to sell it, take down his FS thread or mark it "SOLD", or something....with no money sent by you??

If you want something, send the frigging money and quit fcuking worrying about whether or not it is "the weekend," lmao

Broke azz schmuck
It's not the money dude, and far from broke, I could buy every item on this thread, it's a matter of knowing I have the weekend to myself, and I look at items on my phone, I come into the office on sunday night and send payments out, so I can logg the payments into my records, I'm sorry I have a life and cant be in the office all weekend. I'm not going to just send funds and take a chance that I may forget to log it and my balance sheets be off, and I end up having to pay my accountants more money to find a mistake, you guys need to not make comments if you don't know what you're talking about

hahaha he totally just tried to re arrange pms thats hilarious.. dude get off the forum you have been deemed a failure as a person! lol...

It's not the money dude, and far from broke, I could buy every item on this thread, it's a matter of knowing I have the weekend to myself, and I look at items on my phone, I come into the office on sunday night and send payments out, so I can logg the payments into my records, I'm sorry I have a life and cant be in the office all weekend. I'm not going to just send funds and take a chance that I may forget to log it and my balance sheets be off, and I end up having to pay my accountants more money to find a mistake, you guys need to not make comments if you don't know what you're talking about
people that try to act rich never are.....

hahaha he totally just tried to re arrange pms thats hilarious.. dude get off the forum you have been deemed a failure as a person! lol...
lol i have all of them so if he tries ill post pic

Icon33 db drive amp you just bought info
In the For sale thread he says it "was a refurb by DBR not kenon" but in this post from few months back he says

" its coming from sonic ill get a 1 year extended square trade warrenty "


" seems like the db drive wins. found out its repaired by kenon elec. calling tomorrow to find out if its a korean board "

The links below take you to the post where he says these things

need some opinions on new amp

Vote for my new amp!

Just thought you would like to see the above that way you can ask him about it if you like.

All I ask is to please not put me in the middle of it. Act as if you found it on your own. Just thought it was odd he would say one thing then another later on.
CATMAN(and this was on the day he was supposed to have shipped it)thi amp wasnt the original amp i had bought. i had to keep it behind closed doors that my kenon refurb smoked. so i boutght a blown one locally and sent it to dbr. it was 180 to fix and i paid 100 for the amp it has only protected once at a show for thermal reasons went back to playing 10 minutes later.i also feel that dbr made this amp a bit stronger when he repaired the amp. ill send it to you asap. ill pm you tracking number when i ship it. i have to work all night tonight and tomorrow text me xxx-xxx-xxx if you need anything. (Now you tell me that he shipped this amp, I opened my case the same day I recieved this PM, this guy is full of lies, and BS, and I wasn't taking the chance) as far as anyone else is concerned, talk to people that I have bought from, when it's a matter of me wanting it, I buy it, and maybe the whole GAMEOVERCCA situation could have went differently, but it's not at all the same as this catman situation, and I apologize if I was wrong on the GAMEOVERCCA situation, I just didn't see any reason why it made a difference paying on the weekend, and I have never paid for anything I've bought on the weekend until sunday night, and never had an issue with it other than with people who have paypal debit cards, anyone who doesnt have a paypal debit card but has a real bank card knows that it takes a few days to get your money, and I erased a lot of the PM's from him because that situATION was different, and how the hell is he going to get on here and side with this situation, when this catman is the last person any of you would want to buy from, the boy is a compulsive liar, and gameovercca seen him open this dumb *** thread and came and took advantage of a dumb situation. to tell you the truth, If I would of known this CATMAN, i would have never bought this amp in the first place, just look at all his ******** threads.
people that try to act rich never are.....
lol i have all of them so if he tries ill post pic
You can post pics of the invoice from Chris then right? Not calling you a liar just after reading all of this it seems like this would clear up the situation by proving it was indeed from Db-r.

You can post pics of the invoice from Chris then right? Not calling you a liar just after reading all of this it seems like this would clear up the situation by proving it was indeed from Db-r.
if i have the paper reciept yes because it was a money order //

although i do not care im keeping it. i can afford to anyway

If anyone doesn't see what I'm putting up here, then you're just blind. I pay for anything I buy, simple as that. CATMAN was too sneaky about the amp, and GAMEOVER was too rude for me. I am so glad you started this thread CATMAN because anyone with sense that reads it will never buy any thing off of you again. I have dealt with quite a few people on this forum, and had issues with you two people, and the issue with GAMEOVER wasn't even an issue, I don't feel it's necessary to pay for something on a saturday when the amp doesnt get shipped until monday, and most people don't have your little paypal debit card, so in most cases people can't even request their funds from paypal until monday, so paying you sunday night would have made no difference, if you wouldn't of gotten so cocky with me, you would have been paid sunday night, and shipped the amp out on monday, and we would of had a smooth transaction. You guys don't make the world go round, and you don't create your own market either. For me to say I'll take your product, and for you to not think I'm buying it unless you see your funds on your card immediatly, is ridiculous. I have been in this industry for 13 years doing business and have never ripped anyone off. I just bought an amp off of a member over the same weekend, and he didn't hoot and holler, and if it weren't for the way catman acted, and the things he said, about having to keep an amp behind closed doors, and buying a burnt amp, and db-r fixing it, and not being able to ship for 2 days because of work. Come on, if any of you were in my shoes on that deal would have done the same thing, you werent the one buying the amp, and I put the PM's I got in the same manner I received them, and I saved all of catmans PM's because it was shady, as far as GAMEOVER read the thread it was just a situation of him pressuring me for money, when I'm not even in the office to pay it. I will continue to buy from sellers that have good product to sell, and show a little courtesy. I'm not buying anything from a liar, nor an *******. I'm done with yall

if i have the paper reciept yes because it was a money order //
although i do not care im keeping it. i can afford to anyway
You should have some type of proof in emails with Db-r

If anyone doesn't see what I'm putting up here, then you're just blind. I pay for anything I buy, simple as that. CATMAN was too sneaky about the amp, and GAMEOVER was too rude for me. I am so glad you started this thread CATMAN because anyone with sense that reads it will never buy any thing off of you again. I have dealt with quite a few people on this forum, and had issues with you two people, and the issue with GAMEOVER wasn't even an issue, I don't feel it's necessary to pay for something on a saturday when the amp doesnt get shipped until monday, and most people don't have your little paypal debit card, so in most cases people can't even request their funds from paypal until monday, so paying you sunday night would have made no difference, if you wouldn't of gotten so cocky with me, you would have been paid sunday night, and shipped the amp out on monday, and we would of had a smooth transaction. You guys don't make the world go round, and you don't create your own market either. For me to say I'll take your product, and for you to not think I'm buying it unless you see your funds on your card immediatly, is ridiculous. I have been in this industry for 13 years doing business and have never ripped anyone off. I just bought an amp off of a member over the same weekend, and he didn't hoot and holler, and if it weren't for the way catman acted, and the things he said, about having to keep an amp behind closed doors, and buying a burnt amp, and db-r fixing it, and not being able to ship for 2 days because of work. Come on, if any of you were in my shoes on that deal would have done the same thing, you werent the one buying the amp, and I put the PM's I got in the same manner I received them, and I saved all of catmans PM's because it was shady, as far as GAMEOVER read the thread it was just a situation of him pressuring me for money, when I'm not even in the office to pay it. I will continue to buy from sellers that have good product to sell, and show a little courtesy. I'm not buying anything from a liar, nor an *******. I'm done with yall
sneaky? i was straight up. you were getting an attitude trying to scam me after i shipped it i never said i would wait til fri. i told you next day it was shipped and it was. then went to pay a bill and i was -10$ thats when i knew exactly what you were doing. you are a douche. do not ever expect me to ship an amp while a dispute is going on. i am not shipping an amp now and getting payed later. doesnt work. im not cocky. im just not getting the run around from someone that has 2 feedback and a quick scam attitude. good buy from this forum. i will se you on the others i know you have had issues on. have fun scamming kid. 13 years my ***. if you were in it 13 years you wouldnt be so quick to fvck someone over.

Re: Money Sent

thi amp wasnt the original amp i had bought. i had to keep it behind closed doors that my kenon refurb smoked. so i boutght a blown one locally and sent it to dbr. it was 180 to fix and i paid 100 for the amp it has only protected once at a show for thermal reasons went back to playing 10 minutes later.

i also feel that dbr made this amp a bit stronger when he repaired the amp. ill send it to you asap. ill pm you tracking number when i ship it. i have to work all night tonight and tomorrow text me 336 949 0333 if you need anything.

i didnt want people to know i smoked the first one is all because i like kenon for the price.

here is his reply after i told him 10000000000000000000000 times to call me asap finally called him a scammer that he is

Re: Money Sent

first of all I am the furthest from a scammer as it gets. You are full of lies man. You never shipped the amp, you sent me a message saying you had to work and what not, and then sent me a message saying that you had already shipped the amp. I run a legit business, I buy and sell online all the time, and have a store front with an excellent reputation. If I would have received your amp I would have seen if it worked, and would have decided if I wanted it or not by it's performance, but if I would have been issued a refund I would have refused the shipment and told them to return to sender. I'm upset now because since you never shipped the amp, I don't even need to be waiting for a paypal review, this should be a done deal, if you issued the refund, but you didn't, you're waiting the outcome to see if they give me my money back, and if they don't you keep both, but let me tell you, I have way too much family in Roanoke Va, and I will have you in court in days. I am an excellent person to do business with, but I will not be lied to, and I will not buy something thinking it's one thing, and finding out it's something else. Kenon is the worst, and I find your story about it being a different amp than the one you were looking for advice on before buying hard to believe. I just think if I were to resell that amp, I would have an upset customer. it's not worth it at 220 when I'm an authorized DB Drive dealer and can get the A72000 for $50 more brand new, and can give my customer a year warranty


---------- Post added at 06:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------


if he has family in roanoke brin em out. that way i can show them the pos you are

You never shipped the amp man, I opened the case on Monday. Dude you can say whatever you want, once I opened the case I had already informed you that I didn't want the amp. If you shipped the amp, provide a tracking number on this forum, even if you re-routed it, provide a tracking number that says you shipped that amp on Monday and I'll give you the $220, even though you shipping it had nothing to do with me not wanting it, I will send it to your paypal this second. PROVIDE IT. Then you'll have your amp, and the $220 you sold it to me for, so you have nothing to lose. Come on CATMAN, since I'm such a scammer, all you gotta do is provide a tracking number that says you shipped this amp out on monday and I'll give you the money for nothing. I am the furthest from a scammer as it gets, I sell online, and buy online all the time. I'm definitely someone you want on this forum, because I'm an easy sell, if your selling something at a good price, that I want, I'll buy it. So come on, put the tracking # up here so every one can type it in the computer and see just how full of **** you are.

If you shipped the amp, provide a tracking number on this forum, even if you re-routed it, provide a tracking number that says you shipped that amp on Monday and I'll give you the $220,
So let's see the tracking #.
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