Vendor Reputation - Weaponization of Dislike Button

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I can't change anyone's feelings. Only individuals can change themselves. I get along with most people, that's real. I couldn't get this many designs done if I didn't. I'd rather build a castle with everyone than burn one down, you know what I mean?
Honest questions, Buck: Do you really think people are joining a forum in order to find you and your business?

Do you think it’s a good biz plan to act like an ahole in one area of a forum, but be the biz-man alter-ego in another part of the forum?
Do you not think the lines will become blurred?
Just think of what happened to that moron pillow guy and his stupidity. I’ll bet a nickel he is genuinely surprised that he lost a s**t-ton of money and potential customers because of his vomitous self.
Here’s some advice. Take it or deny it makes sense. Your money is your money: DON’T SH*T WHERE YOU EAT.

Unless you can afford to piss off and lose potentially half of your customer base by spouting off, keep your mouth shut where you are doing your advertising.

Is it “fair” that people may dislike you and cost you customers because of your actions? YES! It is1000% fair. That’s how customer-oriented business works.
Get used to it.
I have someone disliking every post that I post, so my 1000-2000 likes have been turned into -46 by 1 individual (at the time that I was writing this). The way your dislike system is setup allows for targeting of a whole business or person by one individual. That's broken. One individual has disliked at least 1000 of my posts, with the soul purpose of putting my reputation into the negatives. The dislikes have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of my business services, designs, advice, etc. It's out of pure malice.

Yesterday, 8/25/2021, I had at least 700 likes. Somebody is blanket disliking every single post I post- it's pure harassment and assault of a business, by trying to ruin the appearance of my business on here. That's sort of amazing that somebody would dedicate that much time to pushing the dislike button that many I imagine that index finger might be a little sore with that many clicks in a 24 hour or so period. This is pure harassment. I could file legal complaints over this targeting. I'm not going to, but this shouldn't be allowed to happen to a vendor. I post relevant things in relevant sections, because I respect the forum.

This forum is a ton of fun, and people are using the freedoms of this forum to try and hurt people's legitimate businesses. I have good business practices and treat my customers well. My business is ran properly.

So, for all of you new people to the site: I just want you to know one member has went around and disliked around 1000 of my posts or so in the past 24-48 hours, for some reason that I really don't understand. I really care about my customers. So, don't let this broken reputation shy you away from my business; these dislikes have nothing to do with my designs or business practices, at all.

Thanks to all of those who support me, as well. I greatly appreciate it; your support makes me want to try harder than ever!
Well that's ducked. I mean, you're an idiot, but there's nothing wrong with your business
Honest questions, Buck: Do you really think people are joining a forum in order to find you and your business?

Do you think it’s a good biz plan to act like an ahole in one area of a forum,
but be the biz-man alter-ego in another part of the forum?
Do you not think the lines will become blurred?
Just think of what happened to that moron pillow guy and his stupidity. I’ll bet a nickel he is genuinely surprised that he lost a s**t-ton of money and potential customers because of his vomitous self.
Here’s some advice. Take it or deny it makes sense. Your money is your money: DON’T SH*T WHERE YOU EAT.

Unless you can afford to piss off and lose potentially half of your customer base by spouting off, keep your mouth shut where you are doing your advertising.

Is it “fair” that people may dislike you and cost you customers because of your actions? YES! It is1000% fair. That’s how customer-oriented business works.
Get used to it.

I have no idea. I don't know if that matters or not. I pay to be here, and many people here act the same way. I've been on this forum for 13 years and have done probably in excess of 500 box designs from people off of this website. I know this site. There's still long time members on here that I remember from a decade ago or more.

I act however you want to describe to very few people, and it's during debates. Feelings aren't facts, so I'm good at box designing, and that's a fact. Designing is hard, and I'm not perfect; I've made mistakes, for sure. That's just life. I have opinions that I like to share, as well, along with hearing everybody else's. That's called being a human. The Thunderdome is a great place to have fun. Sorry some don't understand that.

I'm not censoring myself just because I'm a business.

Having people come out of The Thunderdome to target my business with the intent of acting a fool is not the same thing as people reading my words and making decisions for themselves. The person doing this is not a customer of mine, and I'm far from the most vulgar person on here, and I help many people, even ones I argue with, in the appropriate parts of the forum. Audio is competitive, as well. That energy can leak into situations. I'm not sure how many audio company owners you talk to on a regular basis, or how many walls you design for competitors, or how much you know about the physics of sound, but this industry is naturally competitive. Many people who do bass and do it loudly are aggressive people, in their own ways.

Most of my customers like me, because I really care about my customers. You aren't a customer, you have no clue how I do my business. Neither does anyone else who's not a customer, unless a customer has spoken to them about it. You simply don't like me, because of my opinions and language towards you from a part of the forum called The Thunderdome.

I'd like to know what business you run, so I know where you're coming from?
I have no idea. I don't know if that matters or not. I pay to be here, and many people here act the same way. I've been on this forum for 13 years and have done probably in excess of 500 box designs from people off of this website. I know this site. There's still long time members on here that I remember from a decade ago or more.

I act however you want to describe to very few people, and it's during debates. Feelings aren't facts, so I'm good at box designing, and that's a fact. Designing is hard, and I'm not perfect; I've made mistakes, for sure. That's just life. I have opinions that I like to share, as well, along with hearing everybody else's. That's called being a human. The Thunderdome is a great place to have fun. Sorry some don't understand that.

I'm not censoring myself just because I'm a business.

Having people come out of The Thunderdome to target my business with the intent of acting a fool is not the same thing as people reading my words and making decisions for themselves. The person doing this is not a customer of mine, and I'm far from the most vulgar person on here, and I help many people, even ones I argue with, in the appropriate parts of the forum. Audio is competitive, as well. That energy can leak into situations. I'm not sure how many audio company owners you talk to on a regular basis, or how many walls you design for competitors, or how much you know about the physics of sound, but this industry is naturally competitive. Many people who do bass and do it loudly are aggressive people, in their own ways.

Most of my customers like me, because I really care about my customers. You aren't a customer, you have no clue how I do my business. Neither does anyone else who's not a customer, unless a customer has spoken to them about it. You simply don't like me, because of my opinions and language towards you from a part of the forum called The Thunderdome.

I'd like to know what business you run, so I know where you're coming from?
I used to own a performance shop. We started out doing systems plus performance upgrades, but our performance work generated more income, took more time, and became the primary focus of the business.
After that, I ran a retail store that was the flagship store for the chain. Following that: sales.

As a small business, every customer and every potential source of income was important, so we did nothing to alienate people. As a store GM, my job was to represent the company and maximize sales. I did the job and I did it well.
If you are confident in your ability to make good money wihtout having to worry about alienating customers, then have at it.
But honestly, if you're going to do things that alienates people (and potential customers), you can't get upset when that particular result happens. Toss a grenade close enough, and some of the the schrapnel may get you.
Nature of the beast.
I used to own a performance shop. We started out doing systems plus performance upgrades, but our performance work generated more income, took more time, and became the primary focus of the business.
After that, I ran a retail store that was the flagship store for the chain. Following that: sales.

As a small business, every customer and every potential source of income was important, so we did nothing to alienate people. As a store GM, my job was to represent the company and maximize sales. I did the job and I did it well.
If you are confident in your ability to make good money wihtout having to worry about alienating customers, then have at it.
But honestly, if you're going to do things that alienates people (and potential customers), you can't get upset when that particular result happens. Toss a grenade close enough, and some of the the schrapnel may get you.
Nature of the beast.
I can't deny you make some good points. However, there's a huge difference between alienation and defamation. Lost revenue due to alienation is self-induced. Lost revenue due to defamation is a deliberate attack, in this case by someone who hasn't even experienced buck's services. How can you badmouth a business you haven't tried?
The two things that you don't talk about at your workplace is politics and religion.
I can't deny you make some good points. However, there's a huge difference between alienation and defamation. Lost revenue due to alienation is self-induced. Lost revenue due to defamation is a deliberate attack, in this case by someone who hasn't even experienced buck's services. How can you badmouth a business you haven't tried?

If you actually saw what I did you might have a different opinion. I posted a few random pics on his thread and actually said that I hope he makes millions of dollars designing boxes. I never once said that he doesn't know how to design boxes (maybe once). I never once started calling him a bunch of names, ripped on him about his physical disabilities, or talked shitt about his family. I'm not trying to say that I was an angel but I'm not as bad as I'm being portrayed. And that's fine. It is what it is.
I used to own a performance shop. We started out doing systems plus performance upgrades, but our performance work generated more income, took more time, and became the primary focus of the business.
After that, I ran a retail store that was the flagship store for the chain. Following that: sales.

As a small business, every customer and every potential source of income was important, so we did nothing to alienate people. As a store GM, my job was to represent the company and maximize sales. I did the job and I did it well.
If you are confident in your ability to make good money wihtout having to worry about alienating customers, then have at it.
But honestly, if you're going to do things that alienates people (and potential customers), you can't get upset when that particular result happens. Toss a grenade close enough, and some of the the schrapnel may get you.
Nature of the beast.

Yes, I can get upset when someone basically does the equivalent of throwing poo at my store because they don’t like what I said to them in a place that’s designed to be the kind of place where intense things are talked about. Your last words after “but honestly” are the most dishonest words that you wrote there.

Annnndddddd I didn’t even start the crap. I didn’t say what’s being repeatedly said about me, with the pure intent of harming my business on here; those who read the whole thing know what I said, and it’s still giving someone advice on not to talk about family in the middle of a political thread, lol. That’s where the word “deserved” came from. I feel like I’m in the movie idiocracy for even having to explain this to some. I said it insultingly, to some extent, but there’s context to all of this that’s being completely left out, and it’s BS, because context always matters with language.

So, this nice generalization you have sounds.....nice, but there’s a lot of reality to what actually happened in the first place missing from it, but who actually uses logic anymore, right?

Have you ever heard of this thing called the first amendment, that everybody has, including business owners? It’s called protected speech, and it doesn’t matter if it’s insulting. I said nothing that warrants a direct assault on my business by anyone, in the fashion that it was done. It’s one thing to display emotions about what I said, if it’s done towards me. This whole attack on my business isn’t remotely a proportional response, and I really shouldn’t even have to explain that to anyone, if people were honest. My business practices had nothing to do with any of this, but yet my business is being slandered and defamed with straight up lies. You can sell me that I deserve these actions, but I’m not buying it.

I’m not a salesman, really. I’m more like an engineer. I don’t BS people for a living like many salesmen do. I tell people how to make their systems sound better based on the science of sound, and I design. I deal in facts and physics, and people who want hardcore sound designs come to me.

I don’t lose my humanity just because I have a business; there’s a bigger picture to business and life overall than just maximizing sales.
I have someone disliking every post that I post, so my 1000-2000 likes have been turned into -46 by 1 individual (at the time that I was writing this). The way your dislike system is setup allows for targeting of a whole business or person by one individual. That's broken. One individual has disliked at least 1000 of my posts, with the soul purpose of putting my reputation into the negatives. The dislikes have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of my business services, designs, advice, etc. It's out of pure malice.

Yesterday, 8/25/2021, I had at least 700 likes. Somebody is blanket disliking every single post I post- it's pure harassment and assault of a business, by trying to ruin the appearance of my business on here. That's sort of amazing that somebody would dedicate that much time to pushing the dislike button that many I imagine that index finger might be a little sore with that many clicks in a 24 hour or so period. This is pure harassment. I could file legal complaints over this targeting. I'm not going to, but this shouldn't be allowed to happen to a vendor. I post relevant things in relevant sections, because I respect the forum.

This forum is a ton of fun, and people are using the freedoms of this forum to try and hurt people's legitimate businesses. I have good business practices and treat my customers well. My business is ran properly.

So, for all of you new people to the site: I just want you to know one member has went around and disliked around 1000 of my posts or so in the past 24-48 hours, for some reason that I really don't understand. I really care about my customers. So, don't let this broken reputation shy you away from my business; these dislikes have nothing to do with my designs or business practices, at all.

Thanks to all of those who support me, as well. I greatly appreciate it; your support makes me want to try harder than ever!
God you are such a crybaby b*tch get a life. You must weight at least four hundred pounds do you ever even go outside. What a loser
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