Best place to hide crossovers?


Junior Member
I've been trying to figure out the best place to hide my crossovers for my 6 1/2 components. I have an 81 Camaro so I've already done a lot of cutting to get everything to fit ok, Cutting the dash by hand and then filing by hand is so....(hole was for the deck, had to custom fit it, sorry for any confusion! Speakers are in the doors) Anyways you all go through much worse I'm sure! Now.. where do you usually hide the crossovers? Do they tend to make any interference? (i.e. keep them far away from the deck/speakers?) Any suggestions are appreciated! //

or just put them in the dang door
I wouldn't suggest that so much.. moisture is a problem in door panels... water does leak through them. Also vibrations may loosen the connections. Opening... closing....opening...closing the door.

i have my crossover on the inside of my door panel held on by velcro and it works fine. i have no moisture inside my door and to my knowledge it hasn't come loose.

i have my crossover on the inside of my door panel held on by velcro and it works fine. i have no moisture inside my door and to my knowledge it hasn't come loose.
I found one on the side of the road.. was that yours? // Just kidding! Seriously, it just isn't ideal. I'm sure people are doing it and it works.. but not favorable. Mount them in the kick panels or next to the amp.

I have all mine the doors, between the door and the panel. Had to cut a little bit of metal to fit them there, but it was worth the work.

Remember, dont put plastic bags around the crossovers, Condensation.

Bill T.

I have had my crossovers in my doors for 7 yrs not one prob.So u can always simplify things and do that if they fit.

Well if you read his post, you would see that his speakers are in the dash. No point in running wire out to the crossover in the door then back to the speaker in the dash no is there?

Read his post!?... are we required to read before answering? // haha.. I forgot it was a 81 camaro. I think you should mount the speakers in the door and mount the crossover in the kickpanels. // Even if you keep the speakers in the dash.. they still would be fine in the kick panels. //

Hmmm ... who has an 81 Camaro ? Oh yeah, I do.


- Steve //

Wow! It runs? and it has PAINT on it? I've only ever seen them on blocks in front of a mobile home or painted basic primer grey. Maybe that's just where I'm from though...

Smartass //

Lots of time, effort, and money into that car //

- Steve

Steve that is a nice one--same color as mine too, I was thinking of putting them inside the door but wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. I'll see if it has room in there or not because of my power windows--Oh, and Steve mine are in the same spot as yours (minus the funky panels) I'm new to all the car audio stuff so I have infinity reference components and infinity 6x9's for the rear. And I was talking to the woman in the car audio store--and she actually said the 2nd generation camaros have some of the best acoustics as far as a lot of cars go? I haven't put my 6x9's in yet because some jackass who owned the car before had cut out bigger holes for those huge old style pioneers. But apperently with a few good 6x9's it can add a lot of bump in the style car. Also how did you secure your deck? I filed mine out to fit the metal sleeve and I'm going to use the strap at the back to attach to something in behind there--Should I use anything else to hold it up? (Deck is an alpine CDA-7894) Since it's basically hanging there.... All help would be appreciated! Just getting mine on the road and all, and I'm only 17. Replacing the oil pan and my proportioning valve this weekend (My back breaks don't work, rawr! No back brakes in a rear wheel drive car! hehe.) But yea any and all help is appreciated.

Oh and I pray to god you don't have the stock 267 Cubic Inch V8 Steve!!!! //

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