Elemental Design vs. Resonant Engineering

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hey guys ive been watching this forum for a while and I kinda get the idea that if Im looking for a great driver I should go for one made from 1 of these two companies.

Im looking for some imput on what subs to buy, I think I want 2 10s, but I dont know which ones.

I want something that will sound incredible. ANyone know which line/series I should go for?

ED - K, O, A ???


RE - RE, SE, HE, XXX, MT ???

also guys what price would I be looking at, im thinking i dont wanna spend anymore than $500 unless its really really worth it. I guess Im asking whats the Best SQ driver...??

oh also guys i know theres prolly lots of iother threads out there but ive searched and cant find em they must be hidden to well but....

what would be the better decision.... 2 10s? 1 top o the line 12? Ported?? sealed???

Are 2 10" subs sealed even audible? LOL! j/k.

Vented can have excellent sound quality too if you tune your box low, AND you'll have extra volume at your disposal.

Too loud? Turn it down

Want to show off? Crank it up.

I would go Vented, tuned low.

so im guessing then that the xxx's are better for SQ then any of ED's....what would be the best box for them? fiberglass?
Well no one mentioned anything about ED, I would say the A is just as good as the XXX in sq, maybe a very little less, but it also costs about 100 bucks less I believe and would require much less power as well. If you don't have a problem with a 12, how about Stereo Integrity Magnum those are incredible, one hit 150db when set for SPL, but when setup for SQ they sound awesome.

For the box, if you really want SQ go sealed, if you just want it to sound pretty good, but also want it loud port it and tune it low, www.gnomeaudio.com should be able to help you out.

the thing is I want the best SQ possible but I listen to mostly punk rock music, no rap, no dance, no techno....

does this make a difference? I would like some recommendations on the best way to go, with what sub, what enclosure, what power, etc...

thank you in advance

I would get two 10" XXX, and port them it will sound better than sealed and louder.
Ok whatever, most people know that a 12" for any woofer usually produces the most realistic sound for example a bass guitar or some drums. A ten would be ok but you would right away hear a difference if you compared them side by side. And dont even think about a 15. I wouldnt port it hell no. I listen to rock and only rock and I have heard many set ups before buying and installing mine. Get a sealed box and make sure it has no leaks. If you gonna buy one I would go over it with some caulk on the inside again. A ported box will get very annoying with rock music.

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Thanks man! Quitting drinking and battling DRESS syndrome has given me a new outlook on life.
There are bluetooth amplifiers. You can just use your phone or an I Pod as the music source and not touch the radio.

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