Good high volt rca's outputs=What headunit to get?

Rockford Fosgate puts out the highest rated (in terms of voltage that is) preamp outputs I've been able to find. Just be ready to empty out your wallet...

Personally, I'd go Alpine.

Time to go back the the books guys, some more learning is in your future, no offence intended as I had my share of learning as well. A good high voltage preout, non clipping, low impedence is found in one brand only, Eclipse. A true 8 volt, 55 ohm non clipping preout available in the CD8443 or CD8053 model or the new CD8454. The other brands listed above are all nice brands as well but will all fall short of what the Eclipse will deliver in real world conditions.

Boomin Granny, you my friend are the first person that should head back to the books and learn the difference between peak and rms. You should also learn that two items, like a cd and a line driver is also more expensive than 1 good item that does both jobs and may infact offer superior capabilities if chosen properly. Audio Control makes some excellent equipment, the trick is to know when to use it and when not to use it.

Time to go back the the books guys, some more learning is in your future, no offence intended as I had my share of learning as well. A good high voltage preout, non clipping, low impedence is found in one brand only, Eclipse. A true 8 volt, 55 ohm non clipping preout available in the CD8443 or CD8053 model or the new CD8454. The other brands listed above are all nice brands as well but will all fall short of what the Eclipse will deliver in real world conditions.
Eclipse it is then!!!!

It really doesn't matter, just get that AudioControl line driver and you can get up to an 18 volt signal.
Find me an Audiocontrol that outs out over 15v peak. Any additional electrical components have a negetive affect on overall SQ. The less amount of electricity in the audio system the better.

JL Civic seems to be pretty knowledgable on Eclipse so ask him any questions you may have.

Ive been shopping around to spend my tax return and the 8053 is most likely going to be had.

Eclipse cd players are only available from an authorized dealer. If you want the 3 year warranty and 1 year theft replacement guarantee then it must be purchased and installed by the authorized dealer. An unauthorized e-tailer cannot and will not be able to give you this guarantee in any way shape or form regardless of what they tell you. Rest assured that if you do have a problem and have purchased from an unauthorized e-tailer, Eclipse will send you packin, absolutely no warranty, service or help and better luck to the guy who sold it to you. FYI, Eclipse has a 100% no e-tailer clause, thus any Eclipse found online from E-Bay or an e-tailer will be painted with the same brush. Buy local from the specialty shop in your area that is Eclipse authorized.

Are Eclipse headunits sold anywhere online?How much are the CD8454's or the CD8053's

Retail price on the 8454 will be(it isn't out yet) $599

8053 is $549

Eclipse doesn't have any authorized online sales.

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