If You Drive A Car U Need This

Hey.. i've gotten hit by a camara before. Was going down hill in the rain at night in a mini van (was my mothers). **** turned yellow at the worst possible moment, knew i wouldn't be able to stop in time... so i went through. Light turned red just as i got into the intersection and the camara got me.

I consider myself a very responable driver.. and was doing the speed limit. Yea maybe i should've went 35 instead of 40 cause of the rain... bite me.

nobody was in danger... there is like a 4-5 second dely before the next light turns green after one goes red. But i got the ticket and paid it //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/frown.gif.a3531fa0534503350665a1e957861287.gif

Though i've seen in the city how people get them all the time, when i dont think they really should've. Hell.. i'd spray that **** on my car just. Not because i plan to run red lights, but just for that one time where ur car was still in the intersection when it turns red.

Tell me that you haven't chanced a little when you were following people going somewhere!! hehe

Trust me; if there is anyone on here to talk about how to drive, it is me. One day driving home from school there was heavy traffic on the other two lanes next to me (on Kennedy heading towards the Dale Mabrey / Kennedy intersection in front of the Honda dealership for those of you in Tampa) so I was going TEN UNDER (that’s 35 mph) and a guy on a motorcycle in his first week of riding had just stopped walking his bike through the stopped cars cutting across Kennedy and started to ride; he rode right out 10 feet in front of me. He died. I wasn't speeding AT ALL or doing anything wrong, and I felt like s h i t for months. I can't imagine how I would feel if I was charged in any way in that incident, knowing the way I already felt. Trust me, trust me, trust me... IT’S NOT WORTH IT! Things will happen to you (yes I said WILL, if you live to 60, you WILL be in a traffic accident, just probably a fender bender) and it just **** isn't worth the baggage to be doing something wrong.

Be mature, not an idiot. Laws are meant to protect people. If you want to race, go to a **** track. Enough said.

The only time I can see this being usefull is in areas with traffic. There is one left turn light near my school that sometimes likes to turn when there are still 5 people in the intersection who can't move. I know gridlock is illegal but in certain areas it's unavoidable.

And remember drive defensively!! //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/driving.gif.c4dead4599dda895032b63e51f52b126.gif

And remember drive defnsively!

only thing around here that it is useful for is them radar toll booth things, we call them IPAS in illinois. that stuff works on that, same with the old school aquanet hair spray. i think it is wrong though, everyone should abide by the same rules when driving and everyone should have to pay the same taxes for roads.


only thing around here that it is useful for is them radar toll booth things, we call them IPAS in illinois. that stuff works on that, same with the old school aquanet hair spray. i think it is wrong though, everyone should abide by the same rules when driving and everyone should have to pay the same taxes for roads.
Sure but 75 cents every 5 miles is absurd. As well as taxes to get off HWY or taxes to get ON or even being hit multiple times...

its out of hand.

OK you guys need to grow up burnign this guy for this post. Where I live in edmonton you wont be speeding and go through a yellow light because it wouldnt really be possible to stop, and even if a party of your car is in the interesection when the red light hits you will get a ticket. A buddy of mine got a ticket for running a red and it was red for something like 1.3 seconds. NOt to mention turning right at red lights if you dont come to a complete stop for 3 seconds, even if you can plainly see the oncomming traffic you will get a ticket if their is a camera present.

WHat i want to know is if this is like the plate of glass you put over your license plate, if a cop is behind you will he pull you over because its noticeable that you have it on ?

ok tell me this, u come to light at say 2am and u sit there, no one in sight and still doesn't change, 10mins go by, still no one in sight, are u gonna wait it out or just run it? Id run it
That happens here a lot. There are some lights that just dont turn green. Move back and forth,problem solved.

huh? wtf are you talking about. Maybe if your going way over the speed limit(20+ over) you can't slow down.... but you get more than enough time to slow down and stop, even if your going 10 mph over the speed limit.
Sometimes in CA the yellow light is LITERALLY you see it and its red, I mean NO time. That is mostly over in SF though. But still, there are instances where inner city driving could be weak and a stupid yellow light could nail ya when you didnt deserve it,otherwise, stop breaking the law you f uckhole

wow... never thought of that. I go through the tunnel all the time, 2 bucks each way!!! lol, this **** would make it free. I wont do it cause i'd probably feel guilty.. but its funny to think about.

Sure but 75 cents every 5 miles is absurd. As well as taxes to get off HWY or taxes to get ON or even being hit multiple times...its out of hand.
i agree that taxes get out of hand on the road ways, but if the majority of people pay the same tax for the same road, you should too. you or anyone should not be aloud to be an exception.


i agree that taxes get out of hand on the road ways, but if the majority of people pay the same tax for the same road, you should too. you or anyone should not be aloud to be an exception.
I Feel you on that but in this country evrybody is trying to (f)uck somebody over. Some are just slicker than others........

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