I've got problems!

Alright, everybody check this out. I removed the cap, wired the amp direct. Prior to hooking the power/ground to the amp, I put a meter on them. 13volts with car off, 14.7 with car running. Shut everything down, hooked up the amp, started the car, turned on the radio, AND...... Nothing! 4 volts at the amp! What the f***? Still 14.7 at the dist block. Fuse is good on the amp and the inline. What now? Bad remote wire? Does that have the same effect? I am utterly confused!

ok you said you are getting 14.7 to the wire end that plugs into the amp with the car running and 13 while the car isoff. (and the amp not hooked up) Now hook up the amp and check the voltage at the same place with the stereo OFF and the wires hooked up you are getting ????? at the amp. If it reads anything less than 12 your amp is bad or the ground is bad. If it reads 12 or higher turn your radio on and see what the volts are again. (you said 4) Now check the volts of the remote wire. I just checked mine and it read 12. Check the other amp to see what the remote is sending it (volts). If your ground is good your amp is shorted. It may not be enough to cause a ground fault or blow a fuse, but enough to draw down the power. I assume you are using the same remote wire for both amps, one turns on and the other does not. I have never seen a faulty remote cause this type of problem.

The only other thing I can think of is the piece of wire running from your distro block to the amp is bad. (do not think this would happen but could if it over heated) I really do not think it is the wire, but I am giving you anything I could think of.

Alright guys, thanks for your help. Especially you pavengmike6. I fixed it. Rewired all grounds, and it worked! Check my gallery for install pics. Just posted!

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