lacking midbass???

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i have a set of cdt cl-51 components powered off of a us acoustics 4065. there just doesn't seem to be enough bass unless i'm just asking for too much from a 5.25. the amp also powers a pair of infinity refrence 4x6 plates with a 150 hz passive crossover so all they play is highs so would that make it where there are too many highs and not enough midbass? i also don't have my subs (hopefully they arrive tommorrow) hooked up so it could be that when i have my subs in it will have enough low end that i wouldn't feel like my components are lacking? i really tried to do a search but everytime i come up with page can not be displayed or some stupid **** like that.

I have the cdt hd-62cf comp set and they have plenty of midbass. I would say that the 5.25 woofer is just too small to moive a lot of air. I had another set of speakers playing highs and i found they were drowning out my comp set so i disconnected them, played with eq's and am now very satisfied with my overall sound. I'd crossover your cdt's around 80 hz so that you can still get a little mid bass out of them. This will move your staging farther foward.

what range do you guys consider midbass? I always thought it was in the 100-300hz range?

i think that's my problem because i don't have my subs hooked up ( hopefully tommorrow) i'm expecting too much from these speakers. i'll try it with my subs hooked up and go from there.

there just doesn't seem to be enough bass unless i'm just asking for too much from a 5.25.
Yeah, there's not a whole lot you can expect from a 5.25. Try moving up to some 6.5s with some xmax to them. I'm planning on using some Koda's from Adire Audio. They have some xmax to them (not the most) and I'll be modifying my 5.25 door opening to fit the 6.5 in.

6 1/2" woofers are the ideal woofer for good mid-bass. However a 5 1/4" can do a very good job if it can handle some decent power. Maybe you have them crossed over too high. I don't see any reason why you couldn't run 80hz and up to those and have good results. The lower the frequency going to the driver the more the cone moves.

Also, I wouldn't make any snap judgments on those mids until you listen to them with the whole system in the car. Like your earlier post said.......see what they sound like with some subs in the car and then see if you still need more bottom end.

Adam //

well i got my subs in my car and i can't here the midbass at all. it's just subs and highs. i can't go bigger then 5.25 there is just no room. you can check out my install on the comps in the link in my sig there is no more door space and i have basically no kickpanels. i'm thinking of disconnecting my infinity dash speakers and bridging my amp keeping my gains down and running them comps.

Well, that would be a good start. But I have one question. Why don't you think you have room for kick panels? My brother's boss has almost the exact same model Grand Prix and has kick panels in it.


Well, that would be a good start. But I have one question. Why don't you think you have room for kick panels? My brother's boss has almost the exact same model Grand Prix and has kick panels in it.

is it a 94 or newer? in 94 i believe they made the kick panels bigger. on the drivers side there isn't 6.5 between the door and the firewall and i would have to mount them on an angle which would interfere with my pedals.

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