Planet Audio Refurb...low power!!!!

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I recently purchaced a refurbished planet audio p850d amp off of ebay........I bought it to be able to upgrade my subs to some of better quality....i have an audiobahn abp10 dual 10" bandpass box now.....

......well the p850d has to be cranked way up almost all the way in order to get decent power to my subs at 2 ohms.......I hooked a friends 10" dvc sub up to it wired at 4 ohms and it barley did anything and what sound it did make was a farting sound....>I was not impressed!!! His sub rocks his car with only 150 rms from his mtx and at 4ohms my p850d should be pumping 350rms..............WHAT GIVES??????? DID I get a dud? I tested the amps ohm load with my subs and it reads 2ohms and the amp seems to function completly but it just doesn't put out the power it says it should!!! I am not sure if I should send it back to get it fixed or if some amps just don't push some subs well for some reason...............Has anyone gotten any of these planet audio refurbished amps off of Ebay??? Anyone have the same experience........Im sort of a newb so Im not sure maybe Im expecting too much from this amp....AM I????

Any feedback from anyone who knows more than me would be appreciated.............................PEACE

you got a dude most likely, planet audio amps put out RMS Or better at 4 or 2 ohm, but rate 1ohm at max power only.

Hopefully you got at least a 90 day warranty (hopefully 1yr) send it back and get a refund or another amp.

capone, just try to get it benchtested to see if it makes good power.

I am not going to buy refurbs again, you will get shafted a lot.

Most of the refurbs are B stock originally that break. The refurbs that you send back to the seller are refurbed again and sold to someone else. It's a lose lose really.

my HX-D10 was a refurb, it's a dud as well (cd player and motorized face are shot)

no more refurbs for me.

Well, I'll let you know how my refurbished DEI 1100D does. It only had a fuse and 2 diodes replaced so I'm thinking it should be in excellent shape and it looks brand new. I can't see what could be bad about them because refurbs get new parts and stuff.

the amp is usually a refurb because it had a manufacturing flaw but still made it into the B stock. It probably has inherent problems that will plague you in the future //

the amp is usually a refurb because it had a manufacturing flaw but still made it into the B stock. It probably has inherent problems that will plague you in the future //
hmm i doubt that. What they do, or what they say they do, is find the problem or defect, and they replace any parts that was causing the problem and test it to be working as new. so it seems there should be nothing wrong wiht refurb. ill see though.

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