Prices of a jugger and a XXX

10+ year member

Banning survivor
OK, I have been planning on getting the XXX 12" but due to my insurence being higher than I thought it was going to be I am trying to bring down the price on my system.

I have been told a XXX would be about $400 shipped. That is the absolute limit I am willing to spend on a single sub. I one want one 12. How much would a Juggernaut be??? I can't find them other than a $600 or so one on ebay. Dose anyone know how much they would by to buy from the comany it self or any other places that sell them. I am not buying my system any time soon so auctions and other time related sales are ruled out unless they are really really low.

Any help would be appreceated


What is a good price??? I have asked that a couple of times and never got an answer from you. How about the XXX??? Like I said it will be a while b/4 I can get anything so keep that in mind...

Your input is appreceated



I would have to say in the visinity of 280-350, I cant get re products cheaper than the next person.

PM me whenever dude.

Im going to be getting a Incriminator Audio Death Penalty pretty soon, check their site out, emailed back and forth with them, very nice guys and drivers look badass.

WOW!!! that sounds really good!!! How long are those prices good for??? I should have the money for everything by this summer and with those prices maybe even sooner. When I get close to wanting the sub I will pm you. I have seen those Incriminator Audio Death Penalties and they look real bad! Little high priced but bad none the less. Thanks again for all your help and like I said I will PM you when the time is right.



Hey thanks again inhuman. Dose anyone know some enclosure specs needed for the Death Penalties series from incriminator audio??? Another question could a JBL BP1200 push this sub???


Whenever we get them well get an idea of what you need. I am looking foward to doing buisness with them, they seemed really cool about answering questions and giving advise.

That amp should be ideal, I was told they have "been known" of taking 16,000w's for burps as well

16,000w blurs?????? do you mean 1,600 or 16,000?? That is crazy!!! The JBL is one of the best price performance amps i have found so i would love to stick with it and it looks like it should work. I was just at the dp site and it says the sub is rated 1200 rms. i take it, it should be able to handl more just be how it looks. can't wait to this summer now. I am selling a lot of stuff to get the money plus working a agian thanks for all you help Matt.


Juggies are known as one of the better competetion drivers out there, if you enjoy everyday listening, you may want to go with something more reserved and oriented for sq.

By the way, though the JBL1200.1 is underrated, it's been known to act very strangely, especially at 1 ohm. It's also a tad blocky, and it doesn't have a subsonic filter.

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