RE Xxx

You can go with dual 4's, or you could serie up dual 1's.

As far as the difference between the 10, 12 and 15's. The cone's bigger :p More displacement potential (given a good enclosure) is the benefit of going with the larger driver. How much space do you have to work with?

Space isn't a problem? Go with an 18 // or atleast a 15 //

All sizes of the XXX use the same motor assembly, the cone is the only difference. All can be had with a myriad of voicecoil options. Dual 4 will probably work best for you. You will want to wire the 2 coils in parallel. See the tech section on the RE website to see how to do this. You will get more volume from your power with the bigger cone.

BTW all the XXX's are on back order for the motors. ETA a few weeks.

Well don't tell my XXX that when it arrives it's only getting a rated 400 RMS! Shhhhhhh!
I still don't know why people are so obsessed with running the RMS rating to a sub. The difference between 1000W and 1500 is less than 2 dB and you can't hear the difference. If you are competing then that is one thing but if you bought the thing to listen to then you will rarely run more than 500ish watts to most any sub. Beyond that you will be deaf in a very short period of time.
Dont know why people are obsessed w/ running the RMS a sub was made for? To make a motor able to take a large ammount of power involves sacrificing things like efficiency. The suspension has to be tweaked for long travel and the coil has to has to be longer which leaves more of it outside the magnetic gap. If you want to only give a sub 400w, its best to get a sub that was made to take 400w. The XXX will not sound as good @ 400w as an equivalently well made driver which is designed to take 400w. 2db is audible, the difference between a ported and sealed box is 3db, and it is very audible.

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