So what the hottest 12" sub out right now?

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Is the JL W7 still the cream of the crop or is there somthing new I havn't herd about yet? I have been away from the car audio sceen a while now and I am looking to get back into it again. I had a 12' Audio Mobile EVO-R but it blew and I belive that company is out of business now... Anyway let me know what hot right now. I am looking for the best 12' 50/50 spl/sq sub money can buy.


No particular order

RE xxx

Adire Audio Brahma

Stereo Integrity Magnum D2

Orion H2


Image Dynamics IDMAX v3

Diamond Audio TDX


There are tons of really good drivers out nowadays.

Interesting. Maby it will help if I am more specific. I plan on completely redoing my system. I am looking to put in two pairs of 5.25 compnents, one pair of 6.5" coaxials, and one or maby two 12" subs into my 1998 Audi A4. I am looking for subs that with give me great sq while still being loud enough to keep up with the rest of the system. Looking for pretty much a LOUD 50/50 sq/spl sub.

I am most likely going to go with a JL W7 unless anyone can recommend somthing that would be even better for this application.


why not? do you think I would be better off with just one set of componets in the front and just the 6.5 coaxles in the back?

I kno someone wit a XXX and it slams. I hear magnums can get louder tho. Ive heard a setup with 2 JL W7s and wasnt all too impressed

One XXX or D2 (or most of the others on there) will easily EASILY keep up with that system. Get CDT or Diamond Audio components unless you want extremly high fidelity.

Both are basically as loud as (if not louder than) a W7, and sound almost as good, if not better, for less money.

The W7 is most likely your best option if money wasn't an option, but personally i would save the money and go Magnum, XXX, or wait a few months for the new ED A, its supposed to be sick.

Ok but what one would be the loudest if you just set them on on a table and wierd em up? hehe
Free-air none would last too long // If they were ported high, it would then depend completely on the power. XXX handles more than any of those mentioned excpet for the H2, and hte brahma is close to the same sub. W7 takes a litle less same with magnum, there are so many variable involved its impossible to tell you.

go with the magnum if your a little short on power but if you have an extra 1600rms lying around get the XXX or the Brahma, or if you want a lot of sq with the capability of getting loud get the ed A, but my pick would go to the magnum because the price and the little power it needs, and its awesome capabilities of getting loud, but whatever floats your boat, just dont get the w7

dont get the w7
Erm, well just to let you know, i would say that 95% of this board would take the W7 in a second over any of those subs if they had the money. Unless you are going for all out SPL, there really isn't a better sub on the market, deny it all you want, there is competition, but the w7 comes out on top.

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