what subs do you think I should get? Help Quick! b4 I get audiobahn stuff lol

If you wand loud i'd go buy a VR3 15 from wal mart. They look really cool and handle like 1000000 watts. They are the bling blinginest subs on the planet, Bramaha and XXX **** compared to these beasts. The hundreds of people that are on this site that have tons of experience with the bramaha and xxx are stupiud cause they don't get the loudest coolest looking stuff on the face of the earth. Audiobahn was sent down from heaven to break things and sound like an explosion under a rug. Bling Bling. Get a legacy 2000 watt amp and it will pound cracka.

I forgot...

Sony makes the best car audio in the world cause they explode!!! thats right explode!!! If i had my way i'd have 18 sony 12's and then i'd hit 120db

And most people don't use the subs that they are recommending and have no idea about the transfer function of your vehicle and what the road to SPL really involves. Thus the plethora of you have to have this sub or that sub when in all actuality it will be the box that is tuned to the resonant frequency that when coupled with transfer function and the proper sub / amp / cd mixture, never mind the fact that your little tiny alternator must power this big prick of a system that will make the difference.

Formerly owning a XXX, I can say it is the hardest hitting sub for the price, I have ever owned.

There is NO SUB in the $400 range that will kill a XXX15".. and if there is, name it (unless we are talking Funky Pups.. 2 sets of those and a 100w amp might.)

Bill T.

Ahhhh, the fiery, burning sarcasm.

Bill, have you heard a magnum? If so, what did you think? I would like to hear an opinion from an unbiased //content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif source who has heard both xxx and magnum.

Guys i need your help on revamping my system!!!! I currently have two 10 inch HE2's running off a sony 1000watt mono amp. Now that i have money i want to get two 10 incl JLW6v2. I have a 1998 ford mustang so the trunk is really small and can't really fit anything bigger in there. I was wondering if these subs would be good for loudness and also which amp would run these things, i was thinking a JL 1000/1 or an alpine. Any opinions please need ur help!!!!!!!

Dude the jl w7's aren't the best subs money can buy. The RE XXX, Magnum, Adire brahma and some others have way more xmax and power, the w7's don't even come close to best subs out.

1.) Chest shaking ear rattling bass that sounds decent
Now thats an oxy-moron if I've ever heard one. Kind of like an honest lawyer, or sweet smelling skunk.

3.) The main thing is I wanna be the loudest system on the block

Just remember, your car stereo is supposed to be "your" car stereo........NOT everyone else's on the block.....especially the ones who don't want to hear your stereo a block away.


the help you need cannot be provided in this forum.

man you are so inconsiderate... just get your AudioBahn! lolz

i am sorry but you have the wrong mind set.. if you have questions like those.. you shouldve gone to a retail store and ask the sales man.. he would have the answer for you.

why, you dont know enough about car audio or you dont have any expierience with anything id be interested in?

i wanna be the loudest on my block so that when I go to

the local sound off Ill beat my freinds systems all about

pride buddy so dont tell me to go to talk to a salesman

if I wanted to get whatever he feels like selling that day I could go to Best Buy Not really sure what your problem is

but my question was legit and I only wanted opinions

//content.invisioncic.com/y282845/emoticons/smile.gif.1ebc41e1811405b213edfc4622c41e27.gif Just don't be an ******* with your system (bumping in residential at night, etc). Wanting to have the loudest, best sounding system that you can show off to your friends and know you didn't pay as much as they did is fine. I'm sure you will be happy with any of the high end subs people recommend on here, be it Magnum, XXX, Brahma, or whatever else. From what I have seen, people that have actually heard all of these think they are all wonderful, so get whichever one you want.
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