Vented Boxes Restrict Too Much Cone Movement

Given my circumstances, I believe that the sealed enclosure will give equal output. Twice the excursion will equal the sub at half the xcursion + the vent in my opinion.

PLUS, It will be easier on my amplifier and my electrical system because there is NO WAY I'll need the same 1500wrms in the proper sealed box to reach full xcursion. MAYBE 1000wrms, maybe.
and you couldn't be more wrong.........

Honestly, on a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate your knowledge of physics, speaker design, enclosure design, and audio in general?

I understand that you're asking questions and trying to learn, but its not a sign of intelligence to stubbornly protest to the input of those with more experience and knowledge than you.

If you don't believe what you've been told, then put your sub in a sealed box and reach your beloved xmax...........then when its not nearly as loud........come back so we can say we told you so.

and you couldn't be more wrong.........
Honestly, on a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate your knowledge of physics, speaker design, enclosure design, and audio in general?

I understand that you're asking questions and trying to learn, but its not a sign of intelligence to stubbornly protest to the input of those with more experience and knowledge than you.

If you don't believe what you've been told, then put your sub in a sealed box and reach your beloved xmax...........then when its not nearly as loud........come back so we can say we told you so.
I'm not stubbornly protesting advice. In that particular post he said previously that he didn't understand why I wanted big excursion, so I explained it to him. Now, the twice the excursion thing maybe wrong, but I wanted him to understand why I wanted full excursion.

And on a scale from 1-10 given those things you listed I'd say 2 or 3. I never said what I stated was fact, I said "in my opinion". And I felt like it was necessary to explain why I felt like that.

I'm not stubbornly protesting any of the help. I welcome all of it. I'm just not a person that asks a question, gets an answer, and takes the answer as gold. I'd like an explanation as to why, to me, that's all apart of learning.

Throw another amp on it in the same box, you'll have your precious excursion..
I don't know if that will be in the best interest of my woofer. It's supposed to be able to handle 1600wrms thermally, and I'm giving it 1500wrms. Wouldn't an additional amp roast my voice coils?

Just asking.

That's nice how you broke it down, but what are you trying to tell me?
Yes, I knew that b4 you posted. I have the t/s sheet right beside me.

That is only HALF of my sub's xmax. 28mm is ONE WAY. So again, it could be moving twice what it is.
Now just to let you know, one way xmax means it will move 1.1 inches out, and then back then to its normal position. Also not all xmax ratings are 100% accurate, I am not sure about your company, but many are off by quite a bit.

FU(K You B1T(H. There is always someone to belittle another just bcuz he doesn't know as much. Why in the FU(K do you think I'm asking questions? Stupid A$$.
No I don't have the box turned around so I can watch it. I pop my trunk and set the gain listening for distortion, that's when I see how much it's moving, FAGG.

Since my sub is only moving 1", and it is designed to move 2", that means, OMG, it can move another inch. Meaning it is possible for my sub to displace more air, *******.

Your one of those internet "toughguys", talking big over the computer. If you said that to my face I'd break your FU(KIN back.

DUDE, calm down. You are the one contradicting your own statement the most! REMEM BER, this is the internet douch bag, get a life and quit talking like u know who i am...or this "i bet ur..." ********. Obviously you are an immature kid...or at least you act exactly like it. SO, if u hadn't presented stuff as fact...and *****ED at people when they told you why or disagreed with you...then his **** wouldn't be happening. I'm not making fun of people who know less than me...especially when they admit it. BUT, when dipshits like you come on here, saying **** like they know it all...or presenting something as fact and *****ing about it like you are...then i step in. ALSO, ****ing 1" ONE-WAY xmax is just Count the back stroke too ass clown...there you go, it's moving two inches then...u happy? Get a life, and quit insulting the actual people over the internet...i only insulted ur knowledge...and that's b/c ur ignorant. peace


DUDE, calm down. You are the one contradicting your own statement the most! REMEM BER, this is the internet douch bag, get a life and quit talking like u know who i am...or this "i bet ur..." ********. Obviously you are an immature kid...or at least you act exactly like it. SO, if u hadn't presented stuff as fact...and *****ED at people when they told you why or disagreed with you...then his **** wouldn't be happening. I'm not making fun of people who know less than me...especially when they admit it. BUT, when dipshits like you come on here, saying **** like they know it all...or presenting something as fact and *****ing about it like you are...then i step in. ALSO, ****ing 1" ONE-WAY xmax is just Count the back stroke too ass clown...there you go, it's moving two inches then...u happy? Get a life, and quit insulting the actual people over the internet...i only insulted ur knowledge...and that's b/c ur ignorant. peace
Your really not even worth responding to. So, your not insulting me, your insulting my intelligence? Wow, that's real helpful either way. I don't think many of the people on this forum are above my knowledge concerning car audio, and you can tell by their questions. So, you just go around insulting people that are trying to learn. What, are you going to go around and insult every newbie's question just because it sounds beneath your intelligence? IMO you have no place on this forum, at all.

And yes I am ignorant in many aspects of the car audio field, but I never denied that, so what is your point?

And how am I acting like I know everything, when I admitily say I don't?

And when do I state things as facts that are wrong? Especially when I say "in my opinion".

And since you think you know how far my woofer is moving and you haven't even seen my setup, you sounds like the know it all right there.

Bigbassman told me it will move further in a bigger box, so, how can it move further if it's moving 2" like you claim in your statement? And for your information, I listened to him and turned down my SSF and it moves more, so, obviously I WAS counting the "backstroke", or it wouldn't have been able to move more. //

IMO your worthless to this forum, and it is the people like you that get arguments started on here. Just like you've done with my thread. Everyone else was helping me, and also disagreeing with me "respectively", but no one was arguing, until you made your stupid little statement.

Your the little kid, grow up. Everyone doesn't have equal knowledge on all topics.

Save yourself the time, and don't bother responding to ANY of my posts or threads. Your input is WORTHLESS.

Have a nice day.

This was an interesting thread for me to read. I learned a lot about porting and what I should set my amp to as far as frequency. I'd like to thank everyone for making this forum into such enjoyable reading.

This was an interesting thread for me to read. I learned a lot about porting and what I should set my amp to as far as frequency. I'd like to thank everyone for making this forum into such enjoyable reading.
Yeah, I learned some stuff too. Like turn my SSF down,lol.

Yeah, the ones the don't belittle you for newbie questions are quite helpful.

Mr. Loyd took time out of his day to actually reply to your thread and by what I can see he answered your question in full as well as anyone possibly could.....then you go and turn this into yet another childish name-calling contest. This also goes for the rest of you who enguaged in said activity. You ruined a perfectly good and informative thread.

You're not worthy. BOW DOWN BISH.

Mr. Loyd took time out of his day to actually reply to your thread and by what I can see he answered your question in full as well as anyone possibly could.....then you go and turn this into yet another childish name-calling contest. This also goes for the rest of you who enguaged in said activity. You ruined a perfectly good and informative thread.
You're not worthy. BOW DOWN BISH.
Yes, BIgbassman was VERY helpful. I took his advice, and I am satisfied. My sub moves about 75% of it's xmax now.

"THen you go and turn this into yet another childish name-calling contest" Your half right. I am guilty of name calling, but I was not the one that "turned this into" name calling.

Do you actually think I would use curse words towards the ones that were helping me?


And I still haven't. I just can stand people like ngsm13. If it weren't for his stupid remark this thread would have probably been over a page ago.

Why is this Forum so backwards? Someone can just butt-in and insult the person trying to ask questions, then when that person retaliates "he's" the bad guy. WTH?


SO, we're mister contradictory today aren't we?

-what is the title of your thread?

"Vented Boxes Restrict Too Much Cone Movement"

that's not presented as fact....

let's look at some earlier statements also...might even bold a few things so u don't miss it...

I was reading the debate between Below30 and other members. He said that a sealed box puts more restriction on cone movement, and I must say, THAT IS ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT.
hmmm...that's not a bold statement of fact...which is wrong.

I can honestly say that if i put my sub in a good sealed box I can get more output than I am getting in this vented box.
hmmm...yeah...i'd like to see you do that.

The recommended vented box for my sub is 3 cubic feet after all displacements, and I know it has more space than that, and it STILL only moves about 1".
wow, u have DUMAX machine at home? or even your car?! WOW, or if u protest that...u must have taken out a ruler, and measured it as your sub moved in an out. I mean, b/c of course you can move you hand that fast, like 35 cycles per second. This is trivial but still...

Plus...I am thinking about using my other matching CMPxw 15" and sealing both of them. To the people who think that one of them vented can equal 2 of them sealed, I don't think so. Definately not on the Low notes. One of them sealed would give me twice the xcursion of what it's moving now vented, and then double that bcuz of the 2nd sub.
wow, that's not "definitive" for you. I mean, cuz u KNOW it won't, b/c you have obviously compared them side by side.

PLUS, It will be easier on my amplifier and my electrical system because there is NO WAY I'll need the same 1500wrms in the proper sealed box to reach full xcursion. MAYBE 1000wrms, maybe.
yeah, there goes your extensive knowledge on electrical systems and amplifiers, again presented as fact. YOU even capitalized i didn't have to bold it for you.

Well, well that's just a few examples. And for you post above

Your really not even worth responding to. So, your not insulting me, your insulting my intelligence? Wow, that's real helpful either way. I don't think many of the people on this forum are above my knowledge concerning car audio, and you can tell by their questions. So, you just go around insulting people that are trying to learn. What, are you going to go around and insult every newbie's question just because it sounds beneath your intelligence? IMO you have no place on this forum, at all.
I have been here learning/helping for over two years. I know more now than ever before, i help people here every single day. AND help on AIM whenever some1 needs it, this forum is great. Research some of my posts if u don't believe it.

ANDDo you need to re-read my posts in this thread. If you would've never been so commanding and say stupid false stuff in the first place, then it would've never happened. Like i sed avoe and in the earlier posts, i don't insult people who ask questions...but when they go around "There's no way..." or "I don't think so..." or "ABSOLUTELY no way..." then that's when i insulted ur intelligence. IMO you just asked **** the wrong way man.

And since you think you know how far my woofer is moving and you haven't even seen my setup, you sounds like the know it all right there.
I NEVER stated how much ur sub was moving, just what u said...the supposed 1" or whatever.

IMO your worthless to this forum, and it is the people like you that get arguments started on here. Just like you've done with my thread. Everyone else was helping me, and also disagreeing with me "respectively", but no one was arguing, until you made your stupid little statement.
wow, good thing it's just ur opinion. B/C I know, along with people here who agreed with me...and people all over the forum who respect me and know me, along with plenty of people who thank me for help on their systems. Yeah, like i started the your childish post right after my first one in this thread. You know the one chock full of profanities and juvenile remarks...or how about the post by you a few after that, talking about what i look like...right, along with the threats. This is the internet. Grow up. I'm out, no need to read your further pollution of our bandwidth. peace bud


Kids...SO, we're mister contradictory today aren't we?

-what is the title of your thread?

"Vented Boxes Restrict Too Much Cone Movement"

that's not presented as fact....

let's look at some earlier statements also...might even bold a few things so u don't miss it...

hmmm...that's not a bold statement of fact...which is wrong.

hmmm...yeah...i'd like to see you do that.

wow, u have DUMAX machine at home? or even your car?! WOW, or if u protest that...u must have taken out a ruler, and measured it as your sub moved in an out. I mean, b/c of course you can move you hand that fast, like 35 cycles per second. This is trivial but still...

wow, that's not "definitive" for you. I mean, cuz u KNOW it won't, b/c you have obviously compared them side by side.

yeah, there goes your extensive knowledge on electrical systems and amplifiers, again presented as fact. YOU even capitalized i didn't have to bold it for you.

Well, well that's just a few examples. And for you post above

I have been here learning/helping for over two years. I know more now than ever before, i help people here every single day. AND help on AIM whenever some1 needs it, this forum is great. Research some of my posts if u don't believe it.

ANDDo you need to re-read my posts in this thread. If you would've never been so commanding and say stupid false stuff in the first place, then it would've never happened. Like i sed avoe and in the earlier posts, i don't insult people who ask questions...but when they go around "There's no way..." or "I don't think so..." or "ABSOLUTELY no way..." then that's when i insulted ur intelligence. IMO you just asked **** the wrong way man.

I NEVER stated how much ur sub was moving, just what u said...the supposed 1" or whatever.

wow, good thing it's just ur opinion. B/C I know, along with people here who agreed with me...and people all over the forum who respect me and know me, along with plenty of people who thank me for help on their systems. Yeah, like i started the your childish post right after my first one in this thread. You know the one chock full of profanities and juvenile remarks...or how about the post by you a few after that, talking about what i look like...right, along with the threats. This is the internet. Grow up. I'm out, no need to read your further pollution of our bandwidth. peace bud

Like I said, you input is WORTHLESS. I didn't even read half of your dumb response. But I will comment on the first part.

So me saying that vented boxes restrict more cone movement is wrong?

Well first off, tell that to the million people that jumped on Below30's case. Their replies were inline with that statement.

AND, if it doesn't restrict more cone movement, why do I need 1500wrms for it to only move about 50-75% of it's xmax, when sealed it would not take near as much for it to reach it's xmax?

Like I said, your input is WORTHLESS. I don't even read your whole posts anymore. Reply somewhere else. Your not wanted here.

// it's over man, no need to cry anymore. Let things go, move on in life...get along. OK, should be put in the past..we both said what we needed to say. PEACE MAN, for real, how's ur day? peace


Kids...SO, we're mister contradictory today aren't we?

-what is the title of your thread?

"Vented Boxes Restrict Too Much Cone Movement"

that's not presented as fact....

let's look at some earlier statements also...might even bold a few things so u don't miss it...

hmmm...that's not a bold statement of fact...which is wrong.

hmmm...yeah...i'd like to see you do that.

wow, u have DUMAX machine at home? or even your car?! WOW, or if u protest that...u must have taken out a ruler, and measured it as your sub moved in an out. I mean, b/c of course you can move you hand that fast, like 35 cycles per second. This is trivial but still...

wow, that's not "definitive" for you. I mean, cuz u KNOW it won't, b/c you have obviously compared them side by side.

yeah, there goes your extensive knowledge on electrical systems and amplifiers, again presented as fact. YOU even capitalized i didn't have to bold it for you.

Well, well that's just a few examples. And for you post above

I have been here learning/helping for over two years. I know more now than ever before, i help people here every single day. AND help on AIM whenever some1 needs it, this forum is great. Research some of my posts if u don't believe it.

ANDDo you need to re-read my posts in this thread. If you would've never been so commanding and say stupid false stuff in the first place, then it would've never happened. Like i sed avoe and in the earlier posts, i don't insult people who ask questions...but when they go around "There's no way..." or "I don't think so..." or "ABSOLUTELY no way..." then that's when i insulted ur intelligence. IMO you just asked **** the wrong way man.

I NEVER stated how much ur sub was moving, just what u said...the supposed 1" or whatever.

wow, good thing it's just ur opinion. B/C I know, along with people here who agreed with me...and people all over the forum who respect me and know me, along with plenty of people who thank me for help on their systems. Yeah, like i started the your childish post right after my first one in this thread. You know the one chock full of profanities and juvenile remarks...or how about the post by you a few after that, talking about what i look like...right, along with the threats. This is the internet. Grow up. I'm out, no need to read your further pollution of our bandwidth. peace bud

Gosh, why did I read the post,lol.

Man you make no sense to me.

"If you wouldn't have said stupid stuff and been so commanding it never would have happened". Wow. Bcuz my questions sounded stupid to you ,and I SEEMED so commanding, you started the childish name calling. Wow, yeah, that justified right there,lol!

Give it up. You cannot justify saying what you said, no matter how many "you sounded commanding" responses you give. It's all here for everyone to see, and it's evident that this thread took a downward spiral after you decide to insult me for not sounding "intelligent enough".

I don't give a DAMMM how many people you've helped in the past, your not helping ANYBODY in THIS THREAD. All you've done in this thread is belittle, I don't think there is ONE post on this thread you've made that even hints at helpful advice without derrogatory remarks.



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